What a sweet Thread. I think especially ubulawu preperations could be better researched....can anyone re-upload "A review of plants used in divination in southern Africa and their psychoactive effects." perhaps ?
^ nice one..
also belated many thanks to Pharmacognosis for all the info on p1..great stuff
Nen888 Thank you ever so much for this true gem, I would suggest that you look up: People's Plants: A Guide to Useful Plants of Southern Africa by Ben-Erik van Wyk and Nigel Gericke Medicinal Plants of South Africa by Ben-Erik van Wyk, Bosch van Oudtshoorn and Nigel Gericke Mind-Altering and Poisonous Plants of the World by Michael Wink and Ben-Erik van Wyk As they are invaluable resources and Ben-Erik van Wyk has done some incredible research regarding mind alternating plants of South Africa and the world. Much Peace and Understanding
... Aegle, fantastic suggestions. The authors you mentioned present the information in a clear and concise way. Valuable books! Thanks for the suggestions
thank you Aegle for expanding my horizons...much look forward to reading..
Colour and Nen888 No worries, I have found these books to be incredibly informative and concise recourse's. Enjoy! Much Peace and Respect
Another good resource I managed to come across (I've made a photocopy, but am willing to scan the chapter in as a .pdf if anyone is interested..) Stafford, G.I., Jager, A.K., & Van Staden, J. 2009. African psychoactive plants. African Natural Plant Products: New Discoveries and Challenges in Chemistry and Quality:323-346.Good discussion/review of phytochemical and pharmacological aspects of African psychoactives..
Hey Colour, It would be great to see a scan of that last article you mentioned. :-)
Attached Stafford, G.I., Jager, A.K., & Van Staden, J. 2009. African psychoactive plants. African Natural Plant Products: New Discoveries and Challenges in Chemistry and Quality:323-346.
nen888 wrote:A preliminary inventory of plants used for psychoactive purposes in southern African healing traditions J.F. SOBIECKI Department of Anthropology and Development Studies, Rand Afrikaans University, 2006
a very interesting and comprehensive paper,
attached for members below I created a user account to download this, says I dont have enough rights..?