2-CB is a fascinating psychedelic compound created by Alexander Shulgin which first made its appearance in the market during the 1970's. This is close to to the time that the empathogen MDMA also made its first appearance. Yet while the latter has had an extensive amount of scientific research gone into it, 2-CB the most popular of the 2-CX family on the other hand has had barley any attention and is still labeled to this day, as a research chemical.
So far I've only come across one study giving a good scientific description of 2-CB which I've linked below this post. The toxicology of the compound is something I'm most concerned with tbh since I don't want to kill myself. I did find some information that did sound a bit concerning, quoting:
Quote:2C-B produced an increase in SBP, DBP, and HR. Maximum effects (Emax) were +19 mmHg, +13 mmHg, and +13 bpm, respectively
I'm by no means a medical expert and do not know how similar these peripheral effects are relative to the compounds that have established a good safety record, LSD and Psilocybin being two good examples. If any of you guys have any information about the safety of this compound please let me know. Thanks, JB.
Source of information:
Acute Pharmacological Effects of 2C-B in Humans: An Observational Study - Published 13 March 2018 -