1. "It took nature on earth 3.5 billion years of evolution to be this complex and almost perfect, but still it is not perfect, So how "good" do you expect to become in your 80 years max?"
2. "you can observe with the tools-sensors you are "given" to observe, you cannot know for sure how limited or how rich your observation for what's around you is since you cannot imagine how it is to sense with the more "advanced" sensors that could exist, you can change your observation chemically, since your observation exists due to the very harmonical way chemical molecules bond and react with each other, so what/who is the one that observes?, the molecules causing the observation?"
(it felt like someone was playing with me on this one)
i hope everyone is doing good, thanks for reading.
To fathom Hell or soar angelic,
Just take a pinch of psychedelic