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New steath bargan vapour pipe . Options
#1 Posted : 1/27/2010 8:36:30 PM
Here is a current design I have been beta testing and pretty well have it figured out I think . It is super easy to make and hide . I would like to thank the local Dollar store for providing all the needed materials .

*1/2 cotton ball - maybe.01 cent

1 stainless steel pot scrubber or equivalent - .50 cents

1 glass baster - .99 cents

Total cost $1.50


1. Take the rubber bulb off glass baster , set aside .

1.a *(optional) take a cotton ball and tear it in half . You may want more or less , the more you use the harder it is to draw air through the baster . One half seemed perfect . Slip the cotton ball into the baster through the large end and slip it down to the small end . Don't pack it in there .

2. Take a portion of the pot scrubber and burn it with a lighter to remove any possible nasties . Now cut , don't tear a portion ofthe mesh , maybe one quarter , depending on inital size of scrubber. Roll the cut portion into a ball that is slightly larger then the big open end of the baster . Now gently slip the mesh into the baster about an inch or so . You want a good pressure fit so it doesn't slip back out when heated .
That's it done ! No drilling no heating no anything , except maybe a couple minutes to make . To transform your baster into the stealth mode slip the rubber bulb back on the end of the baster and slide it down far enough to hide the scrubber mesh . That's it !


Load up a bunch of materials directly onto the mesh , no mesuring is really needed , the more material the better . Apply a gentle flame to melt the materials into the scrubber . When your happy with the amount loaded then your set .
You want to vaporizer your goods so do not point your flame directly into the open end of the baster . Remember that extra inch of tubing sticking out in front of your scrubber ? That's the sweet spot for your flame . You want to gently rotate the baster while pouring on the flame to heat up the actual glass tube while you are drawing in the heat . Remove the heat once you get a three quarters of the way through your hit so it doesn't waste any materials you can't inhale . Return the flame to the same spot just as you let out the previous toke . The heat starts to vaporize the next hit instantly while you draw in the vapor . Repeat as needed .


The glass "pipe" will be hot but not too hot to hold in your lips , just warm . But the other end is real hot ! Be careful when setting it down .

This method works well and has stood the test of time so far . You can modify the scrubber material and or the cotton ball filter as desired . If this puppy breaks ,just grab another baster . BTW this unit works good for vapourizing anumber of different materials .

Good luck and have fun !

deweeb attached the following image(s):
stealth.jpg (41kb) downloaded 623 time(s).
steath 1.jpg (36kb) downloaded 621 time(s).
Chemical expertSenior Member
#2 Posted : 1/27/2010 8:46:19 PM
That's funny, it's like a larger version of SWIM's old piece. It probably has a bit of a cooler vapor though, due to the larger volume of the chamber. What's the cotton for?
#3 Posted : 1/27/2010 10:20:28 PM
amor_fati wrote:
What's the cotton for?

I was a little concerned about possible pieces of pot scrubber braking off and getting inhaled .

I didn't even think of your design, but your right maybe this one should be called the fatty version.Very happy
#4 Posted : 1/27/2010 11:08:28 PM
deweeb wrote:


The glass "pipe" will be hot but not too hot to hold in your lips , just warm . But the other end is real hot ! Be careful when setting it down .

A bit worry'ing when you taking that second/third pull and all reality starts to bend, reminds me of feline fatal's report of that horendous burn she got when dosing too much.

Might be good advise, if you do use this devise, maybe have a blanket of some sort over your waist and legs, so if you do drop the piece it wont melt onto your legs.
Chemical expertSenior Member
#5 Posted : 1/27/2010 11:09:05 PM
Good thinking for that hazard, though if the nozzle's wide enough, it may be worthwhile to try inserting a tube to inhale through, instead (as long as there's some air passage along the sides); just to avoid having to change or clean the cotton.

Your design probably works a bit more like the machine than SWIM's old design, simply due to the size, but they're similar in that they're both loaded from the front and heated in the same manner. SWIM's design worked alright, but it was only a stepping stone to his more recent ones.

Good thinking with this one, by the way.

What're the dimensions on that thing? This may be a good component for an improvised bubble or as a chamber for SWIM's piece.

gammagore wrote:
A bit worry'ing when you taking that second/third pull and all reality starts to bend, reminds me of feline fatal's report of that horendous burn she got when dosing too much.

Might be good advise, if you do use this devise, maybe have a blanket of some sort over your waist and legs, so if you do drop the piece it wont melt onto your legs.

It probably wouldn't get quite as hot if the plug were closer to the intake so it could be heated more directly, but then one would have to take care not to burn product, since it's front-loaded; however, if the machine-style bubbler bowl is any indication, it can be made to work quite well.
#6 Posted : 1/27/2010 11:55:26 PM
deweeb wrote:

To transform your baster into the stealth mode slip the rubber bulb back on the end of the baster and slide it down far enough to hide the scrubber mesh

Nice design! I love it that it has a stealth mode!
Q: What the fuck are you doing with a turkey baster?
A: errr.... nothing?
Oh great - the world has just been replaced by elf machinery.
Sic transit gloria mundi

#7 Posted : 1/28/2010 1:12:13 AM
The actual size is approx nine inches long by one inch in diameter .

This thing only gets hot on the last inch or two ,so you can lay it down on a plate or stick it in a mug or any surface that can take a bit of heat .

Because of the larger diameter it can be easy to get overzealous when drawing in and run out of lung power before you really want to . Draw long and slow until your ready to burst , it is very possible to break through just by doing this once . Make sure you have the scrubber really loaded . No need to worry about wasting , everything just stays in place waiting for you to torch it up again .

If a person wants to regulate the amount of draw , just pack or loosen the amount of cotton inside to your personal needs . If you are getting way too much goods and are about to cough , take the flame away and open your lips off the tube a tiny bit so you get a mix of air to soften the dose .

You can add a piece of hose to inhale from , I initially did that with about a two foot piece . It works great as well . I kinda felt like the Maharajah and took the last image of the tubing into a trip , it was totally bazaar .

This thing does work amazingly well , and is fine tunable for your personal style . The single most important tip with this unit is to LOAD it up way more then you think , you will not be sorry !

Have fun !

Senior Member
#8 Posted : 1/29/2010 10:44:51 PM
1664 wrote:

Nice design! I love it that it has a stealth mode!
Q: What the fuck are you doing with a turkey baster?

A: Ahhh, making cotton-ball gravy...?

All posts are fictional short stories depicting the adventures of WSaged!! None of these events have actually happened and any resemblance to any real persons or incidents is totally coincidence!!!!!!!!!!!!
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