do i have to hit the back button 3 times and then reload the page every time i reply to a thread? Everything i say is fictional, I just wanna be cool and fit in.
I clicked post reply. I typed out this paragraph. I clicked post. I was brought back to the main thread page with my new post attached. It does not work this way for you?
Actually sometimes it does, but usually not. Maybe its just the poor internet here. Thanks. Everything i say is fictional, I just wanna be cool and fit in.
ok, it takes me back to the thread with my reply posted, but when i hit back to go back to main page, i have to go back through my reply post first. Everything i say is fictional, I just wanna be cool and fit in.
Aha! Yeah that's standard, a web browser back button will always take you to the last page you were on. If you want to get back to the main forum page just click the little "Welcome to the DMT-Nexus" link under the FAQ and Wiki buttons in the top left corner.
Everything i say is fictional, I just wanna be cool and fit in.