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Smoalkable Mimosa FB Extract Using Only Water: Options
#1 Posted : 4/17/2021 12:02:10 AM
Ahoy Nexus!

I am interested in developing a tek that would not use any harsh chemicals or any unnaturally produced chemicals at all.

I'm sure that someone might point out issues with this tek but I am determined to find a path to a crude extract containing FB DMT that doesn't involve a solvent, only using a naturally high PH water.

I have found a special natural cave water that claims to be 9.4 PH. at 9.4 PH I believe 83% of the DMT will be in FB form.

This would be a STB.

The idea for the tek would be as follows:

1. Boil Jurema (MHRB) in the high PH cave water, either directly or like a tea.

2. Then filter all the solids out and if the PH is too low add more of this high PH water and reduce until the PH is close enough to 9.4 or if I'm lucky, exactly.

3. Then continue to reduce until I can reduce in warm water bath and dry the remaining concentrate.

Terence Mckenna once mentioned that if you reduce ayahuasca slowly enough it will not become thick. I do not know if he was correct or the same applies to Jurema.

If I have to modify the tek in some way I might be open to that but ultimately what I want is a smoalkable crude Jurema extract that I can use with my salt and vinegar rue extract.

I understand that there will be other compounds in there but this is the point. I am interested in having a smoalkable form of Jurema so that I can connect to the plant in this way without having actually extracted anything.

Please let me know your thoughts.

May the blessings of the Johnathai be with you.

ModeratorSenior Member
#2 Posted : 4/17/2021 12:40:49 AM
Something slightly relevant that I have seen, that seems to be along the lines of this.

I watched a video of an interview of an elderly rabbi. The guy doing the interview brought up acacia, and how people have learned to extract this thing called dmt that can Induce visions. The rabbi found this interesting, and brought up a tale of priests burning an incense (crude extract?) of acacia in a chamber, and then they would enter the chamber once filled with smoke to obtain visions or guidance.

I imagine it would be harsh, and you will far from achieve a breakthrough I’m sure. But I’d imagine it will still be psychedelic.
“You think that’s air you’re breathing?” -Morpheus
“Whoa fellas, I’m feeling kinda bowling ball-ish.” -Leopold Butters Stoch
It’s got what plants crave. -Brawndo

Magic is here for us all to feel. Naming it isn’t what makes it real.
Running around for us all to know, noticing isn’t what makes it so... -Avett Brothers
#3 Posted : 4/17/2021 1:14:49 AM

I think breakthrough could be achieved if combined with rue and smoalked in a hookah. You can build up to it. This would be done ceremonially. The key is to get the DMT water to be basic enough AFTER removing all the solids and filtering quite a bit.

The tabernacle in the bible was made from Acacia.
#4 Posted : 4/17/2021 5:54:14 AM
This is so interesting! Thanks for bringing this idea forth and please, oh please, let us know if you make any modifications. I am not overly intelligent in the areas of chemistry and the like. But I have had some success in alchemy related endeavors, so this excites me.
May we continue to be blessed
#5 Posted : 4/17/2021 6:27:36 AM
Sounds interesting. Would love to see whether this works. Some random questions for which I don't know the answers...

What's the form of this reduced product? A powder, tar/resin, or sticky goo? Would this impure product be harsh to smoke? The DMT will be thoroughly mixed with the rest of the impurities. So can you get the proper heat to the DMT so it efficiently vaporizes but doesn't burn? Will the impurities be very unhealthy to smoke? Will you get some effects but ultimately is this so inefficient that it's a waste of MHRB?
#6 Posted : 4/17/2021 9:25:32 AM
Maybe boil into vinegar and regular water first since this would be more efficient and the alkaloids won't crash out and become solids already, filter, filter, filter, then reduce to a paste and let it dry out off heat (the acid will evaporate) then mix with a minimal amount of basic water and evaporate again. I recommend also freeze/thaw cycles at the beginning to enhance the yield
"Is this the end of our adventure? Nothing has an end. We came in search of the secret of immortality, to be like gods, and here we are... mortals, more human than ever. If we have not obtained immortality, at least we have obtained reality. We began in a fairytale and we came to life! But is this life reality? We are images, dreams, photographs. We must not stay here! Prisoners! We shall break the illusion. This is Maya. Goodbye to the holy mountain. Real life awaits us." ~ Alejandro Jodorowsky
#7 Posted : 4/17/2021 11:13:38 AM
I see some risks in your procedure:

Plant matter is almost always slightly acidic, so mixture of mimosa and the cave water will have pH lower than pH of water, I would expect something like pH 7.
If you want to go fully natural, using of wood ash (or carbonates from ash extracted by water) could be beneficial to keep basic pH.

But even if you will be able to keep basic pH of the mixture, in step 2 you will filter out some DMT fb, since it's not soluble in water as fb and will be most likely only in suspension, together with small particles of plant matter. This probably means huge loss of actives.

In addition, your final product after evaporation will be goo full of inactive stuff and very difficult to smoke.

Starting with acidic boil and basify it afterwards when it is in minimal volume would be probably better.

But only experiments will clarify this.
#8 Posted : 4/17/2021 6:30:56 PM
This is along my lines of thinking but thank you for the suggestion. I am thinking that I would filter the slightly acidic water extensively before reducing. How it will be smoalked/vaporized will be part of the experiment. Wood ash seems like a good idea.

doubledog wrote:
I see some risks in your procedure:

Plant matter is almost always slightly acidic, so mixture of mimosa and the cave water will have pH lower than pH of water, I would expect something like pH 7.
If you want to go fully natural, using of wood ash (or carbonates from ash extracted by water) could be beneficial to keep basic pH.

But even if you will be able to keep basic pH of the mixture, in step 2 you will filter out some DMT fb, since it's not soluble in water as fb and will be most likely only in suspension, together with small particles of plant matter. This probably means huge loss of actives.

In addition, your final product after evaporation will be goo full of inactive stuff and very difficult to smoke.

Starting with acidic boil and basify it afterwards when it is in minimal volume would be probably better.

But only experiments will clarify this.

#9 Posted : 4/17/2021 7:47:19 PM
All important considerations. We will find out. A lot to test and consider.

shroombee wrote:
Sounds interesting. Would love to see whether this works. Some random questions for which I don't know the answers...

What's the form of this reduced product? A powder, tar/resin, or sticky goo? Would this impure product be harsh to smoke? The DMT will be thoroughly mixed with the rest of the impurities. So can you get the proper heat to the DMT so it efficiently vaporizes but doesn't burn? Will the impurities be very unhealthy to smoke? Will you get some effects but ultimately is this so inefficient that it's a waste of MHRB?

ModeratorSenior Member
#10 Posted : 4/18/2021 12:45:47 AM
Horuscope wrote:

The tabernacle in the bible was made from Acacia.

The ark of the covenant was also made from acacia.
“You think that’s air you’re breathing?” -Morpheus
“Whoa fellas, I’m feeling kinda bowling ball-ish.” -Leopold Butters Stoch
It’s got what plants crave. -Brawndo

Magic is here for us all to feel. Naming it isn’t what makes it real.
Running around for us all to know, noticing isn’t what makes it so... -Avett Brothers
ModeratorChemical expert
#11 Posted : 4/22/2021 8:33:19 PM
Horuscope - Bear in mind that native sodium carbonate has been known and to a certain extent cherished since prehistoric times and is known as natron. It has been referred to in the bible as nitre - probably a mistranslation. Surely you can use natron and remain within your remit of your extraction goals? It's even fairly likely that the Acacia incense of which the rabbi spoke was comprised of some proportion of natron and maybe even Syrian rue. That would be pretty reliable as a means of entering a visionary state.

And where does one draw the line regarding artifice? If you were to find a stash of snail shells that had been roasted in a wild fire, would it be going too far to mix them with a bit of natron and spring water in order to produce a crude caustic soda solution? What would be the difference between using native soda (natron) and modern sodium carbonate produced using the (rather elegant) Solvay process? What if you were to emulate the Solvay process using sea salt and natural sources of ammonia and carbon dioxide? (Cheeky chemist questions Wink Very happy )

“There is a way of manipulating matter and energy so as to produce what modern scientists call 'a field of force'. The field acts on the observer and puts him in a privileged position vis-à-vis the universe. From this position he has access to the realities which are ordinarily hidden from us by time and space, matter and energy. This is what we call the Great Work."
― Jacques Bergier, quoting Fulcanelli
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