Pull 2 from same extraction: i expect a tiny weight loss as the spice hardens, but a rounded down 2g from 75g bark gives a over 2% yield, most of which i put down to quality bark. However, I've also had good acrb yield little, or nothing but goo, so i have to conclude that this method, using the 12-24hr warm acid soak and saline added just prior to basing works well with it.
I had run out of nps with this one, which i realized after the basing stage, and this one sat in base solution for over 24 hours before the first pull was done. Common knowledge would warn that that should cause a lot of fat to cross over on the first pull, and it does appear fairly yellow, but i don't think it caused to much of an issue for my taste, and the consistency is a nice sugary wax that is stable at room temp.
I've been reusing my nps, and it gets to be really bright florescent yellow after being evapped 1/2 way and freeze precip'd a couple times, but it seems to not drop out too much into the final product, or at least it's acceptable to me.
null24 attached the following image(s):
(4,455kb) downloaded 87 time(s). IMG_20210124_201201.jpg
(3,840kb) downloaded 82 time(s).Sine experientia nihil sufficienter sciri potest -Roger Bacon
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