Total loss of body experience . Caapi tea followed by vaped spice. I have to work at it to get there but if i stay with it it pays off. I'd like to talk about entities, very interesting ones. I can describe seeing a compex network like fine plant roots extending on a flat plane in all directions. My perspective from above looking down like viewing the top of water. There are entities like invisible spirits that move around under the network. They can plug into this network anywhere they want. When they connect to the network they become illuminated at a central point then move around in and on this network like waterbugs. Ripples through this fiberous network can be seen as they move. There are many of them like organisms. they seem to be congregating around me as if to investigate me. They remind me of insects but are little points of consciousness rippling through a vast organic yet very advanced network. Also a distinct feeling of being observed by more than one type of other unseen intelligence. A vision of my body floating in a large dark space being observed.
I'm left wondering and pondering the idea of a final stage of human life being an eventual transference to a small point of conscious energy able to navigate the unseen world of the afterlife dimension. Never before has this thought ever been considered by this human. Are the entities we experience the spirits of lifeforms from all over the universe that have made the final journey to energy?
Is a near death experience a glimpse of the final evolution of human consciuosness. The transference to pure energy?
my post journey dreams have been on this theme of tranforming to some kind of pure energy consciuoness
The only way of discovering the limits of the possible is to venture a little way past them into the impossible.
Arthur C. Clarke