haha nice force trainer toy Espiridion, its got to be hilarious to watch people play with those things.
yeah its a weird state, somewhere iv ended up sometimes on extreme doses of LSD except those lasted a lot longer, whats interesting is this launch took me straight there, i could watch as my psyche ripped past the different layers, as if it had a place to be and couldent be distracted till we got there, sraight to this state of being....
..... and whats weird is i recognized it from past explorations, and it was the same state, it just clicks....
...in reflection its so beutifully dillusional. but its so wonderful i cant help it, it feels like training.....
this is an extreme state, one i very rarely get to go to. but every time as its happening i recognize it and whats interesting to me is i have all the tools and tricks from previous cosmic dances at my disposal as if because i earned them there they are there for me to use in this state of being... creation at my finger tips....
It can be so beautiful, so cosmically harmonious, when it all just clicks and flows, into the all and everything, nourishing, healing, growing and evolving until it all circles back and greets me with loving reverberations, as we sail through the cosmos, life and love steaming out like a comets tail, harmonizing and flowing on that dance of cosmic exuberance and joy....... ahhh... good times...
"Wake up to find out that you are the eyes of the world...."
Sometimes the lights all shining on me, other times I can barely see....