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Easy Acacia/Rue recipe Options
#1 Posted : 4/18/2018 4:53:21 AM
Edit: the following is way better than what I originally wrote

Copy/paste and share with any friends who might be interested!

The easiest and cheapest Ayahuasca (orally active DMT) recipe in the world.
Note: this is not the traditional “ayahuasca” brew from the Amazon, the plants and preparation methods are different, I just call it ayahuasca because the DMT/MAOI combination is most popularly known in public awareness as that traditional Amazonian beverage. Call it DMT-Harmala-Compound if you prefer.

The way ayahuasca works is by consuming two plants: an MAOI and DMT. The body breaks down DMT so even if you ate a pound of pure DMT, you wouldn’t feel a thing off it. An MAOI stops your body from breaking down DMT, so you can eat it just like mushrooms or LSD. If you eat mushrooms with an MAOI, the mushrooms will become vastly stronger and last longer.


If you mix an MAOI with just about any drug capable of killing you by toxic overdose, you run the risk of a very painful death. Syrian rue seeds are an MAOI.

Dietary restrictions aren’t really a problem with the MAOI we are using, but some pharmaceutical MAOI’s can kill if you eat anything aged. This will not happen with the particular MAOI we are using. I ate a massive block of cheese once just to see what would happen. It was like an instant turkey coma from all the tryptophan that hit me. I bet that for some people adverse reactions like a headache might be possible. For me it was just instant food coma. Bed time ensued shortly after, lol. Anything aged (like cheese) will cause this.

Now for the recipe!

Boil syrian rue seeds (the MAOI plant) for 10-15 minutes. Chuck out the seeds, reduce the liquid by boiling to around a shot glass. Grinding the seeds is completely unnecessary. Lemon juice and other additives also completely unnecessary. Lots of online recipes make these claims, and they are wrong, it just makes things more gross. Just boil the seeds whole in plain water for 15 minutes, folks.

Grind acacia confusa bark (the DMT plant) into a fine powder using a coffee grinder. Mix the acacia with peanut butter and honey or jam or something for sweetness. Put on bread. You don’t even taste the acacia.

Voila. Take the shot, eat the sandwich, no time in between. It hits me pretty damn fast. Wow.

Doses: I do 4 grams of seeds, 10 grams of acacia. 10 grams is more than most people would be comfortable with. 5 grams acacia would be more reasonable for the average human being.

Also: for some random reason I have a stomach of steel for ayahuasca. Pure mescaline HCL or alcohol make me barf, but I have only puked a couple times out of countless experiences on ayahuasca. I am an exception to the rule. Almost everyone barfs on ayahuasca.

Also, if you smoke syrian rue, it will intensify your trip - by a lot, for about an hour or so. Just keep smoking until... whoaaa. It also changes things qualitatively. More warpy and intoxicated. This works with shrooms too. Also, a shot of syrian rue liquid will double or triple or quadruple your shroom trip. I haven’t the balls to experiment. Why not just eat more shrooms? Haha. Smoking syrian rue on shrooms also works. Same deal.

And just to make it loud and clear (this is a mass message and I simply want to make sure peope are safe).

Antidepressants+Ayahuasca= DEAD!

MDMA+Ayahuasca= DEAD!

Basically ANY DRUG OTHER THAN WEED AND TOBACCO, WHETHER ILLEGAL OR LEGAL, and there is a good chance you will be DEAD!

Caffeine might give you a headache.

Happy tripping if you indulge.


End of edit.

-Some things need to be broken down by MAO! Antidepressant drugs like SSRI’s, or recreational drugs like ALCOHOL or MDMA in combination with MAOI ARE DEADLY!!!! Do NOT mix ANY DRUGS, ALCOHOL, or MEDICATIONS with AYAHUASCA OR YOU MIGHT DIE A VERY PAINFUL DEATH! (Marijuana and cigarettes are safe in combination with ayahuasca.)

“Ayahuasca”: What It Is and How It Works
Traditional “ayahuasca” actually refers to two plants from the Amazon which are boiled together to make a psychedelic drink:
1) B. Caapi vine (MAOI Harmala alkaloids)
2) P. Viridis leaves (containing DMT)
We are NOT using these traditional plants. We are using other plants that have the same active chemicals.
1) Syrian Rue seeds (MAOI Harmala alkaloids)
2) Acacia bark (containing DMT)

-MAO’s are chemicals in your body which break down other chemicals in your body. MAOI’s block MAO’s from working.
-If you eat DMT, MAO will break it down before it reaches your brain. You could eat 5 grams of DMT and it would not do anything to you without an MAOI. Without an MAOI, the only way to take DMT is to smoke or inject it.

-If you eat DMT while MAO is blocked by MAOI, you can eat DMT just like mushrooms or LSD (instead of needing to smoke DMT, which only lasts for 5 minutes and sends you out of your body into another reality altogether). Eating DMT with an MAOI produces a normal psychedelic experience, similar to mushrooms, except on DMT instead of mushrooms.

-Ayahuasca lasts about as long as mushrooms, around 5-6 hours, and is similar to mushrooms. Ayahuasca is more similar to mushrooms than LSD is. Ayahuasca is still very different from mushrooms though.
-There are many kinds of MAOI. Syrian Rue seeds are fairly mild.

-Some MAOI’s made by the pharmaceutical industry are so powerful, even certain kinds of food are dangerous to eat (anything that is aged, like cheese, alcohol, pickles, etc.)!!!

-However, with Syrian Rue, un-fresh food will only make you sleepy.

Try to avoid food that is not fresh. Milk is good, cheese is not. Cucumbers are good, pickles are not. Etc. This is so you don’t have a sleepy trip. Being sleepy on ayahuasca is weird.

Nausea and Vomiting:
Syrian Rue will make you nauseous. You might vomit, although I personally almost never do.

It is normal to vomit. Many (though not all) indigenous cultures consider vomiting on ayahuasca to be beneficial.

If you do other psychedelics while on Syrian Rue seeds, like mushrooms or smoked DMT, you will find they will be doubled or tripled in normal strength (for example, one gram of mushrooms will be as strong as two or three grams, and last much longer). If you smoke DMT while on MAOI, instead of 5 minutes it will last 45 minutes, and will be three times stronger.

If you take MDMA (molly) with ayahuasca, you will probably die a very painful death. Syrian rue is perfectly safe as long as you don't take other drugs, medications, or alcohol or MDMA with it. But it can fucking kill you if you do. So fucking don't, numb-nuts.

The Recipe
1) Put 10 grams of shredded Acacia bark (DMT) in a mason jar with 250 ml water. Keep the jar in the fridge for one week, and shake it vigorously once every day. At the end of the week, strain the liquid using a cheese cloth (removing the bark). I personally use 12.5 grams acacia, but I like higher doses, and it can be intense.
2) Boil 4 grams of Syrian Rue seeds (MAOI) in 400 ml of water for 15 minutes on medium-high. You do not need to grind the seeds or add lemon juice or anything - just boil them whole in water.
After 15 minutes, continue boiling to reduce the liquid down to about a shot glass of water. Strain the liquid using a cheese cloth (removing the seeds).
3) Drink the Syrian Rue liquid, wait 8 minutes, then drink the acacia liquid.

The liquid is disgustingly bitter. This will help you get it down.
Put two large tablespoons of honey in a glass, fill with hot water, and stir. Use this warm honey-water as chase.
The super-sweetness of the honey water will counteract the bitterness of the ayahuasca.
I brush my teeth immediately after drinking the brew.
Depending on metabolism, the brew will take between 20 minutes and an hour and 20 minutes to work.

This is a very strong brew, stronger than 5 grams of shrooms!!!!

Take less acacia if you do not want to punch a hole in your roof!

Also, a discovery I made tonight; if ya wanna take a 5 gram mushroom trip, and make it more like 9 grams, smoke a bunch of pipe bowls of syrian rue.

I am now looking forward to smoking syrian rue while on ayahuasca. Awesome. EDIT***

I personally think it is like mushrooms got an upgrade.
In my experience, the best way to take it is:
Follow an ayahuasca “diet” for one week : This is different from an MAOI diet. It involves abstaining from sugar, salt, spices, greasy food, pork, and sexual activity. I've heard this last requirement (sexual abstinence) is not as important for women as it is for men. I do not know why. Perhaps something about the expenditure of vital energy, I really don't know.
Drink the ayahausca, and meditate in silent darkness when it kicks in. I usually meditate for 2-3 hours during the experience. I also meditate for one hour every day sober as well. Look up instructions for zazen meditation online. Keep a bucket nearby in case you need to puke, although this brew does not seem to induce a great deal of nausea for most people.
For me, it kicks in after about half an hour, and fully by the hour and ten minute mark, and lasts for about three to four hours after that. After that, within another hour or two you will be (nearly) completely sober. Don't drive though.

I personally think ayahuasca is by far the best psychedelic of all. It is the sanest and most sober and most “natural feeling”, while also being the most healing and sophisticated in content.
Unlike other psychedelics which can only be taken once a week, ayahuasca produces no tolerance. You can take it twice in the same day. It is also far easier to sleep at the end of an ayahuasca trip than on other psychedelics.
I believe that ayahuasca works with the brain more naturally than any other psychedelic because DMT occurs naturally in the brain.
DMT is the true and proper “psychedelic key”. Other psychedelics like LSD or mushrooms are awesome, but they seem more like “lock-picks” which the brain was not designed for.

DMT is basically the psychedelic your brain was truly meant to trip on.
Treat it with respect.
#2 Posted : 4/18/2018 5:16:35 AM
I think i have found a friend Smile

Lol, we seem to think along similar lines (though i don't diet), but it's good to meet you. Rue and Acacia is truly on awesome plant combo, and my favorite Smile

Only thing i would disagree with is that, ime, 10 to 12.5 grams of Acacia is quite a bit more than 3 grams of Shrooms, though you gotta take into account full activation of the Acacia, the timing may need to be adjusted a little bit imo, because if you take the Acacia too soon or too late some of the DMT might be metabolized out and so the Acacia could be a bit weaker than it should be, but 4 grams of Rue should definitely get the job done, that's the dosage i use. Though potency with Acacia can vary, but i wouldn't say it's close to 3 grams of Shrooms, maybe 8 to 10 grams of Shrooms, perhaps, but i'm not that experienced with mushrooms yet, but 8 to 12 grams of properly activated Acacia is pretty strong ime, much stronger than 3 grams of Shrooms even with MAO-A inhibition.
#3 Posted : 4/18/2018 10:34:07 AM
As ShamensStamen said 10-12.5g of acacia will take you veryyyy far.. the most i took was 7g and damn that was intense.. not sure if i will ever take above that.. however i don't think that it's about the activation but about preparation..

ime a cold water extraction is not enough to extract the dmt from the bark.. even if it's powdered.
You need to boil it.. my bark is a very fine powder and 2 hrs of simmering is good enough.. maybe it could work with less time but i usually do 2 hrs. Then filter, squeeze, and reduce..
And the rue when using whole seeds also needs around 2 hrs.. when ground 15-30mins are enough.
When i was starting i did a short boil on 10g and i'm so glad it didn't work.

Your method is working for you and it's getting you where you want to be and that's great but you're wasting precious bark, you can get there(3g mushrooms) with 1/4 the amount Smile

If you decide to boil the bark please be careful and lower the dose to around 3-4g

My last experience was with 220mg freebase harmalas and 1.6g acacia and it was as intense as 2g mushrooms. I like haoma/anahuasca better bcz for me with dmt there is clarity and awarness with mushrooms there is confusion.
"Is this the end of our adventure? Nothing has an end. We came in search of the secret of immortality, to be like gods, and here we are... mortals, more human than ever. If we have not obtained immortality, at least we have obtained reality. We began in a fairytale and we came to life! But is this life reality? We are images, dreams, photographs. We must not stay here! Prisoners! We shall break the illusion. This is Maya. Goodbye to the holy mountain. Real life awaits us." ~ Alejandro Jodorowsky
#4 Posted : 4/18/2018 2:20:15 PM
A well written guide Thumbs up

OP did not mention if the 10 - 12 gr bark was powdered or not, I assume powdered for a cold tek. I would never cold soak a non-powder, not even finely shredded, because that would be wasting material imho.
#5 Posted : 4/18/2018 2:24:34 PM
Here is a list of all Ayahuascsa analogue preperations


Well from my experience 12g of Acacia Confusa with proper activation is a moderately intense trip. The truth is that there is not really a ceiling to the effects. Once you pass a certain threshold though it may be difficult to recover memories of the peaks which is not desirable. I personally have consumed about 25g and this is not a trip I care to repeat anytime soon Shocked . The guidlines are just that, guidelines carefully written for harm reduction purposes. Brewing is always an experiment because the DMT concentrations vary dramatically across batches. Individual body chemistry is also a factor.

"The more powerful and original a mind, the more it will incline towards the religion of solitude" Aldous Huxley

#6 Posted : 4/18/2018 4:01:21 PM
Jees wrote:
A well written guide Thumbs up

OP did not mention if the 10 - 12 gr bark was powdered or not, I assume powdered for a cold tek. I would never cold soak a non-powder, not even finely shredded, because that would be wasting material imho.

I personally do it with shredded acacia. This might be why we're having different experiences.

Or, I might just be comparing mushrooms and ayahuasca badly because I personally find mushrooms very intoxicating, whereas I find ayahuasca very lucid - and in both cases, that sense is independent of dosing.

Whatever the case is - for the love of God, dedicate yourself to a meditation practice and do it on ayahuasca, I never knew the full potential of it until I did.
#7 Posted : 4/19/2018 6:07:46 AM
Tonight I tripped with a guy from Brazil who's done 3 ayahuasca ceremonies in his life, with the Santo Daime and another group whose name he did not mention. He said my brew felt the same strength as what those groups in Brazil make - but he said that with those groups, they give out a second dose of ayahuasca a couple hours after the first dose. Now I understand where all the crazy stories about ayahuasca come from, lol. For the Brazilians, this level is a warm up for something bigger. At the second dose you start seeing entities, going out of your body to see visions, etc.
#8 Posted : 4/20/2018 8:53:52 AM
Thank you! This ayahuasca/DMT rookie appreciates it very much.
OneIsEros wrote:
with Syrian Rue, un-fresh food will only make you sleepy.

Given the severe potential for getting this wrong, do you have sources to verify this is correct? I have easy access to Rue and plan to use it in some capacity at some stage, and would love some further reading material about the food/drug interactions with it.

OneIsEros wrote:
3) Drink the Syrian Rue liquid, wait 8 minutes, then drink the acacia liquid.

This makes sense, in order to get the MAOI working before the DMT hits your gut, however, in my one and only ayahuasca experience, both the plant extracts were mixed in together, so we effectively drank both the acacia and viridis together. Everyone in the circle had an effect, do you have any comment on this?

OneIsEros wrote:
It is the sanest and most sober

I was also surprised by how sober I felt during my experience, almost as if I hadn't taken anything...yet still tripping. But maybe this was because we drank the MAOI at the same time as DMT?

Also, kinda off topic but my understanding is MAO enzymes are in the gut, so how does smoking DMT+Rue (changa) have an MAOI effect if it never comes in contact with the gut? I'm happy to be directed to a good thread that explains all of this.
#9 Posted : 4/20/2018 3:32:33 PM
Rock.0 wrote:
Thank you! This ayahuasca/DMT rookie appreciates it very much.
OneIsEros wrote:
with Syrian Rue, un-fresh food will only make you sleepy.

Given the severe potential for getting this wrong, do you have sources to verify this is correct? I have easy access to Rue and plan to use it in some capacity at some stage, and would love some further reading material about the food/drug interactions with it.

OneIsEros wrote:
3) Drink the Syrian Rue liquid, wait 8 minutes, then drink the acacia liquid.

This makes sense, in order to get the MAOI working before the DMT hits your gut, however, in my one and only ayahuasca experience, both the plant extracts were mixed in together, so we effectively drank both the acacia and viridis together. Everyone in the circle had an effect, do you have any comment on this?

OneIsEros wrote:
It is the sanest and most sober

I was also surprised by how sober I felt during my experience, almost as if I hadn't taken anything...yet still tripping. But maybe this was because we drank the MAOI at the same time as DMT?

Also, kinda off topic but my understanding is MAO enzymes are in the gut, so how does smoking DMT+Rue (changa) have an MAOI effect if it never comes in contact with the gut? I'm happy to be directed to a good thread that explains all of this.

My source on rue-food interactions is general internet consensus that RIMA is pretty safe with food interactions - so I tested it on myself and ate a massive block of cheese. Immediately drowsiness cascaded over me, and I went to bed. Lol.

Mixing vs. not mixing rue/acacia - I used to mix. Sometimes I tripped balls. Sometimes I didn't. Rue then acacia 8 minutes later, I have not had any "blank shot" experiences. I posted this problem on the nexus a while back, and this was the advice I received, so I have held to it since.

Re: the lucid sobriety of the experience - yes, ayahuasca produces the least mental distortion of any known psychedelic. However, you will still trip balls. Geometric patterns and all. In Brazil, I have learned, they take a second dose equal to or greater than the first dose, 2 hours into the experience. I gather that this is why ayahuasca has such a crazy reputation for blasting people out of their minds. Guy I tripped with said my brew was as strong as theirs, but that when that second dose was added in, you straight up had out of body visions and spoke to entities coming out of the forest, lol.

I have no idea why rue affects smoking. It was counter-intuitive for me as well. I do not know the mechanisms involved. But it is absolutely true. I have not tried it, but I know people who have, and it is well documented online. I highly recommend not doing it unless you are incredibly experienced - and use at least a third of the usual dose, maybe less. 45 minutes with tripled potency. Not something I'm ready for personally.
#10 Posted : 4/20/2018 5:44:01 PM
I once had this experience where after drinking the brew i purged early and after a while i realized it wasn't gonna get strong and i was starting to come down and i was hungry, the food was maybe not very high in tyramine but it had some spices in it, so as i was eating i started to get very sleepy, couldn't even chew anymore and i went to bed but then i strarted tripping again and stronger than initially while also feeling very sleepy, i got really scared and had an unpleasent experience..

About smoking MAOI or eating it and smoking DMT and why it works..
MAO enzymes are spread all over the body and are concentrated in the nervous system and the digestive tract.. so if you eat it or smoke it, it inhibits the MAO in the brain making the experience last longer and get deeper
"Is this the end of our adventure? Nothing has an end. We came in search of the secret of immortality, to be like gods, and here we are... mortals, more human than ever. If we have not obtained immortality, at least we have obtained reality. We began in a fairytale and we came to life! But is this life reality? We are images, dreams, photographs. We must not stay here! Prisoners! We shall break the illusion. This is Maya. Goodbye to the holy mountain. Real life awaits us." ~ Alejandro Jodorowsky
Legarto Rey
#11 Posted : 4/22/2018 9:46:05 AM
Anybody have personal experience with moclobemide as RIMA with acrb brew?

I've modest practice using moclobemide with mhrb. 300mg @20-30min prior to brew works VERY well. Be careful and down dose DMT carrier, 2-4g seems prudent. I'll typically throw a bit of extracted rue harmala OR 1-2g shredded B cappi into the brew as a nod to tradition and for "visionary" effects.

#12 Posted : 5/19/2018 8:33:40 AM
Soooo.... it had actually been quite some time since I had last done mushrooms......

Y'all are right, 3 grams isn't comparable at all to the strength of this brew.

I have built up a strong mental ability to navigate psychedelic states since my last encounter with mushrooms. My recollection was not an accurate measuring stick.

5 grams of cubensis is no where near as strong as this brew.

Also, a discovery I made tonight; if ya wanna take a 5 gram mushroom trip, and make it more like 9 grams, smoke a bunch of pipe bowls of syrian rue.

I am now looking forward to smoking syrian rue while on ayahuasca. Awesome.
#13 Posted : 5/19/2018 12:34:03 PM
Indeed a new friend haha.

When Im making Ayhuasca I work with 30g of Chaliponga and 100g of Caapi.

I have used mushrooms a lot in my life but never gone further than 5g. From a recent talk I listened too I got inspired of trying 20g of mushrooms. Anyone here have experience of this? Can I expect it to be similar to my strong Ayahuasca brew or will it exceed even that?

I tried the mushrooms with syrian rue once but did not like it at all. Syrian rue with Mimosa I think is amazing(the CWE approach). But with the mushrooms it created a highly disturbing experience.

Is it really necessary to have the Acacia in the fridge for so long? When Im doing a CWE with Mimosa 24 hours is usually enough.

"Too cute to live, too cozy to die" - Eaglepath
#14 Posted : 6/5/2020 4:43:00 AM
Ignore what I originally wrote, this is way better.

Copy/paste and share with any friends who might be interested!

The easiest and cheapest Ayahuasca (orally active DMT) recipe in the world.
Note: this is not the traditional “ayahuasca” brew from the Amazon, the plants and preparation methods are different, I just call it ayahuasca because the DMT/MAOI combination is most popularly known in public awareness as that traditional Amazonian beverage. Call it DMT-Harmala-Compound if you prefer.

The way ayahuasca works is by consuming two plants: an MAOI and DMT. The body breaks down DMT so even if you ate a pound of pure DMT, you wouldn’t feel a thing off it. An MAOI stops your body from breaking down DMT, so you can eat it just like mushrooms or LSD. If you eat mushrooms with an MAOI, the mushrooms will become vastly stronger and last longer.


If you mix an MAOI with just about any drug capable of killing you by toxic overdose, you run the risk of a very painful death. Syrian rue seeds are an MAOI.

Dietary restrictions aren’t really a problem with the MAOI we are using, but some pharmaceutical MAOI’s can kill if you eat anything aged. This will not happen with the particular MAOI we are using. I ate a massive block of cheese once just to see what would happen. It was like an instant turkey coma from all the tryptophan that hit me. I bet that for some people adverse reactions like a headache might be possible. For me it was just instant food coma. Bed time ensued shortly after, lol. Anything aged (like cheese) will cause this.

Now for the recipe!

Boil syrian rue seeds (the MAOI plant) for 10-15 minutes. Chuck out the seeds, reduce the liquid by boiling to around a shot glass. Grinding the seeds is completely unnecessary. Lemon juice and other additives also completely unnecessary. Lots of online recipes make these claims, and they are wrong, it just makes things more gross. Just boil the seeds whole in plain water for 15 minutes, folks.

Grind acacia confusa bark (the DMT plant) into a fine powder using a coffee grinder. Mix the acacia with peanut butter and honey or jam or something for sweetness. Put on bread. You don’t even taste the acacia.

Voila. Take the shot, eat the sandwich, no time in between. It hits me pretty damn fast. Wow.

Doses: I do 4 grams of seeds, 10 grams of acacia. 10 grams is more than most people would be comfortable with. 5 grams acacia would be more reasonable for the average human being.

Also: for some random reason I have a stomach of steel for ayahuasca. Pure mescaline HCL or alcohol make me barf, but I have only puked a couple times out of countless experiences on ayahuasca. I am an exception to the rule. Almost everyone barfs on ayahuasca.

Also, if you smoke syrian rue, it will intensify your trip - by a lot, for about an hour or so. Just keep smoking until... whoaaa. It also changes things qualitatively. More warpy and intoxicated. This works with shrooms too. Also, a shot of syrian rue liquid will double or triple or quadruple your shroom trip. I haven’t the balls to experiment. Why not just eat more shrooms? Haha. Smoking syrian rue on shrooms also works. Same deal.

And just to make it loud and clear (this is a mass message and I simply want to make sure peope are safe).

Antidepressants+Ayahuasca= DEAD!

MDMA+Ayahuasca= DEAD!

Basically ANY DRUG OTHER THAN WEED AND TOBACCO, WHETHER ILLEGAL OR LEGAL, and there is a good chance you will be DEAD!

Caffeine might give you a headache.

Happy tripping if you indulge.

#15 Posted : 9/12/2020 8:09:22 PM
Update: how I now prefer to take acacia+rue

Advised doses: 4 grams syrian rue and 5 grams acacia. I take ten grams acacia, but it is EXTREMELY INTENSE with this method.

I finally found the perfect ayahuasca preparation method.

1) Put ayahuasca plants in coffee grinder.

2) Pour honey on ayahuasca plants, then mix ayahuasca-honey paste into peanut butter.

3) Divide the honey-peanutbutter-ayahuasca paste into a lot of tiny balls.

4) Swallow the balls with milk like they are pills (no chewing or tasting at all).

Why this is the best:

1) No tasting of the plants.

2) Because of the slow release of the materials, the nausea is significantly reduced.

3) Far more powerful than a tea, because every bit is absorbed (meaning the dose can be reduced which is way more economical). With the preparation method I have outlined you could get four years worth of material for around $200 (four years if you did it every single weekend). With this method I would advise 4 grams syrian rue and 5 grams acacia. I take ten grams acacia, but that would be inadvisable for most people.

4) As a tea, it lasts about 5 hours. This way, it lasts more like 14 hours... longer than acid.

5) Way less prep time and way simpler than preparing a tea.

(And of course: do not mix antidepressant medications or ADHD medications or drugs like MDMA/ecstasy/with ayahuasca, or you will die a very painful death.)
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