Yay! Thanks mods, thanks nexus. Happy I can participate in convos on the rest of the forum.
My current project is re-xing my spice and trying to grow big pretty crystals, then posting beautiful macro pics, so I hope you enjoy them when I upload them!
Welcome to the club. Now don't tell anyone about these secret subforums you have access too
PurpScurp, Welcome “How long will this last, this delicious feeling of being alive, of having penetrated the veil which hides beauty and the wonders of celestial vistas? It doesn't matter, as there can be nothing but gratitude for even a glimpse of what exists for those who can become open to it.” ― Alexander Shulgin, Pihkal: A Chemical Love Story
Congratulations purpscurp 🎉🎉🎉 This guys ego ^
Hello and i can´t wait to see more pics. They are beautiful!!! Psychedelic drugs don´t change you, they don´t change your character, unless you want to be changed. They enable change. They can´t impose it. Alexander Shulgin
Congrats!!! Looking forward to see those beautiful crystals!
Thank you all! Love this forum even though I don't check it as often as I should. Just added some pics of my first re-x in that crystal pictures thread!