Has anyone ever tried to make chali-ponga resin? If so does it still have the spirit?
If not I will try it out, maybe write up a tek but it seems pretty damn intuitive.
Could also prove very useful for 5-meo sublingual.
Theory theory theory.
i, for one, will be eager to hear about your findings....i'm sitting on a pound of beautiful chaliponga myself and have been wondering what to do with it.....try to do some sort of tek that'll leave me with all the n-n and 5meo in freebase form? fumarates? just save it for aya? ...a good resin tek would be really awesome and i would be extremely curious how it turns out!! get on it brother!  L&G!! "Rise above the illusion of time and you will have tomorrow's wisdom today."
Antrocles, if you try making chali resin you can write up the tek. Just add a little wink from me, hehe. I won't be getting any for a little while(arranging the order still) and there is no reason why it wouldn't work. A pound! Oh boy that will last a while  .
I would be interested in hearing about a resin tech, too.  If I determine I really am an alien that's immune to 5meo, I will donate my body to the Nexus. Some things will come easy, some will be a test
Awe dang someone beat me too it, but no one better than spiceman  . I was thinking just brewing for the 9 hour aya brew, filter, than brewing tell it's dry, than scraping it up with a razor. Low heat just at boiling of course.
A drytek works well too - equal parts powdered chali and CaOH, add enough water to make a paste and let it dry completely. Pulverize the dried paste and rinse it with acetone at least three times. Dry down the acetone and scrape it up.
Spiceman is the man! He is involved in some creative extractions and combinations of materials. Thanks for being a tremendous resource to the community.
So what are the benefits of all the chemicals and stuff versus just reducing/evaporating the brew to a goo? Also Joebono come back in the chat, I didn't really mean that one thing I said, I value you  . A Spiceman you too, your always a good person to exchange words with.
Oh jeese yea for a big extraction I could understand the need for solvents haha. I am a small fry though I like working with 50 grams of this or that at most.
Thanks for the explanation though.