I recently realized how weird it is how potent bufo is in dark rooms and in closed eyes but only in relaxed states. Now this might sound weird but Bufotenine is endogenus to the human body in a lot of cases. 1/20 normal kids pee'd out bufo for samples.
So maybe bufo is what makes kids scared of the dark, and fear the monsters at night time! Last night before I went to bed after smoking bufo I had one of those thoughts that get's louder and louder and freaks you out. That could also be a bufo trait if your familiar with that sensation.
So what I am proposing is this, maybe much like melatonin, bufotenine has something to do with a similar metabolisis. Cuz melatonin is readily released at night/darkness? Maybe bufotenine is a prodrug that when crossed into the brain during that metabolisis tweaks something out lol. I don't know about you guys but my experience more towards night time was more potent that the one I had during the day.
edit - Also, have you noticed how easy it is to just "turn off" the experience? Maybe that is a learned behavior but kids haven't figured out how to do it yet?
Any interesting ideas or pro's or con's let a brother know. I just had one of those interesting thoughts that I oh so rarely have
