Mind > Inside Body. Known place and arcane, beyond realms: within.
I really think we need to stretch out how important is the visual component of the experience. Vision is the most extra censorial component of the body, it's a little cave that always makes you feel "out there" once the sun has burst in it. It is the only sense that can reach the stars. So the basic, the core thing of visual language will just be dots of lights.
You can see everything in the world as such. If you are looking at a plant, it breaks into multiple branches at the extremity of which will germinate buds. Let's say you have a pack of branches all coming forth to create a "plane" - that is they are on a similar plane and allow for the mind to put them in correlation - then you can use those "dots" and create something. And you will inevitably create a being. Because it's all there is to creates. Okay you have "pareidolia" and are looking at a tree and seeing a bird face, but isn't there trees inside the bird face ? Yours ?
Deconstructing meta awareness of those processes of projection, you will observe something: every set of dots can be observed in multiple ways. What happens is your mind automatically "animates" the world, the dots, depending on how you look at it. That is when deconstructing, you can become aware that there's a "road" awarness takes through the dots and that gives those peculiar set of branches a feeling, a mood, a character. But, as much as there are dots and possibilities, those possibilities exist and are finite. So if you get back to that childhood cloud, yes, there is a dragon there, they are also other things. It's not one sided, linear, it's a field.
What has happened with the dots ? A flatening. That is, the ability of the mind is to put on "flat" medium things, it allows to correlate, associate, compare, ... The mind seeks this flat space where it occurs because it brings serenity, things are on a seamless eternal wave. Like a soothing sky maybe, as, once you get out a certain range, everything in your visual field is put on a similar length, the dimensional fades. This reminds the setting sun on the horizon line.
Now, you can only see a certain range of character, of bodies, in those fractals pattern that are everywhere in nature, not only because your mind is body grounded, and will seek to empathize with what it sees and correlate the information, that is also censorial, to what is projected out, but because those patterns are indeed there. And indeed they form a certain set of forms and some forms are extremely recurrent.
Because sight was acquired at birth, every strong enhancing in sight will result in feelings of rebirth and will consequentially brings memories from the womb. What was the womb ? It was a body that was not yours but that you could feel. That is, without moving, you were projecting onto this body. It's a core ability of the mind: it moves independently from the body.
So when you're all liquid and melted into the unfathomable (and let's be real not amount of understanding amount to jackshit when it gets real), what happens ? My opinion is that we see the same ability of projection and it does not go even very far within - maybe it actually does but I can't conjecture to what I haven't experienced in a diluted way - but it founds that liquid place. So what is liquid, that is correlated to heart beats and breath and that forms fractal patterns akin to branches and rivers and is in reachable realm for even daily awareness ? Veins. So what is the relationship of the mind with those ? Well, the mind, light, dictates breath, wind, which interacts with the blood flow through the heart. If you've been a bit crazy focused on breath it can be very apparent, but a point that has to be built from this is that the mind, awareness, focus, is always somewhere in the body. That is, if you are anxious or stress, awareness will stress the flow in certain parts of your body - which happens through breath, because everything in the body is linked, a tiny "hold" a certain moment of breath, a little inflection in the way the air flows,a contraction of the nostril muscles (and what they are linked to) and it is correlated to both: a part of your body, and an emotional state. You can stretch this and observe that certain posture evoke certain feelings, and if you do those postures they will change your mood, because they changed your flow and changed your heart.
This mean multiple things: if in you every part of your body is linked together, obviously you are aware of it at some yet unknown level of you, and if this information bubbles out, a certain set of association can be made. If breath dictates the flow of the body, and if you can observe every parts of your body, it means that everywhere there are eyes, mouths. Every bit of you can see, sing. What you are left is not a body but a mind. There is only mind.
Same for the outside. If you take anything, the most banal building in your town, and correlate what you are seeing, piece things together and project onto it, you will see faces. And the fact that you can only build faces speaks both the actual function of the building and it's evident direction, which has been becoming very concrete in modern times. Man always builds people. And there's no real differences between those peoples and himself, we could call them, self sustaining source of the mind and extension of language of the world, among other things.
So there, you are know living in entity realm anytime, anywhere.
But this stage of the experience is enhanced by some over component, which I've slightly evoked: syneshesis. There is a blend bewteen the mind and its separated islands. But because the support of the projection changed - it's not the outside world but has it's degree of realism, and it's not dreams, where the projection is not that focused and incarnated - then you get a very specific type of experience (maybe the reason why that is is because of the molecule occurrence on the body). And because you focuse on those internal fractal patterns, you are not really you anymore, this vague image of you you had of four limbs a head, it's quite more squwizzlying now. And if you are focus on something that is moving, always, then you're awarness of yourself also change, so you become other things, and you can be what you are projecting into.
Let's take Mudras: the only visual pattern you can feel. Changes the blood flow and so the mind. Literally: magic.
That is my experince, if you focus on your veins, it changes your body perception. Your body might feel like the size of a child, everything close, big, become colorful and vivid. Like that of a bird or a cat. And if you focus on certain part of your body it changes your mindstate in certain ways. What most likely happens from there, when in Hyperspace, in this Hypersynesthicalconsioucnesstriggermode, is that happens something that will never happens from language and comprehension ( those leads to techniques and tools ) is that the mind completely let go and let itself be, it being held. Hence: Behold.
It's the ultimate healing tool of some ills, it's tech beyond realms. Something like that.
I canno't begin to fathom how many people have felt "imaginary" pains, or insects running over them, that where just, well, the beaten roads of the pump'