lovealls tek is perfect for the type of mono tub he uses. If you use that type of tub then read no further
If you are talking about FAE on mono tubs then it depends on the tub setup, if you have holes at the bottom then block them up with polly fill and keep the lid closed.
If you do a bod tek
bods tub tek then the gap at the top is enough.
If you are talking about FAE on pf cakes, all you need a loose foil lid and dry verm protecting the cake and that's enough.
I find that the key to avoiding contams is sterile technique, right conditions and speed of colonisation.
So for example, old syringes (more than 6 - 12 months old) can produce mycelium that is a bit senile, it can be quite a bit slower to colonise the substrait than fresh syringes, slower growth times = more time for contams to take hold. So if working with an old syringe its my advice to just do a few pf cakes with it, get them to fruit and take spore prints and make new syringes, then the new mycelium will grow at its maximum rate.
When making your jars of rye / wbs / oats etc ensure your pressure cook (PC) them for 90 mins at 15 psi, no less, ideally a little longer. let it cool naturally and ideally cover the PC with a bleach / alcahol / peroxide soaked cloth, so any air going in as it cools gets sterilised as much as possible.
Use / make a still air box (SAB) or a glove box (GB). Clean the SAB or glove box with bleach then peroxide then alcohol every time you use it, using fresh paper towels each time. Put a paper towel soaked in peroxide in the SAB / GB. Keep your jars in the pressure cooker until the last last moment, then remove the lid from the PC and then from the SAB / GB and place them in there as quick as possible and close the lid and let them sit for 10 mins, allowing airborn contams to fall to the bottom.
Clean your hands and then put your clean hands in the SAB / gb and gently wipe the floor with the cloth so you clean the area, then let it sit again for about 10-15 mins.
Do all your work in your SAB / GB, so as soon as your jars are ready, put them in, wait, clean floor, wait, inoculate / inject with your spores / lc write the name of the strain and the date on them, then move them to an incubation chamber (IC).
The making of an IC is super easy, just two big plastic tubs inside each other with some bleach filled water in-between the tubs and a fish tank heater set at about 78-80f. Clean the inside with bleach, then peroxide then alcohol, using fresh paper towels each time.
Wait for it to colonise half way then shake them up, and wait for them to colonise fully, then as soon as they are ready, if you want to make more, do a grain to grain transfer in a SAB or GB and wait again, then when ready to spawn to bulk follow your normal method.
If you do it this way your spawn will grow at its fastest rate, there will be almost no issues with contams in your spawn, and when spawning to bulk, ideally pasteurised coir / hpoo you can just leave it at the right temp, again 78-80f and it will colonise the sub as fast as possible, faster than it takes for any contaminant to take hold.
Try to avoid using casing layers, that's where most contams come from, but you can have great success with them, it's your choice.
That way the issues you are having with contams will be greatly reduced and you should have much more success in your endeavours.
I hope I haven't bored you to death
I hope this helps somewhat.
Much love, inf <3
I am certifiably insane, as such all posts written by me should be regarded as utter nonsense or attempts to get attention in fact everything I write here is a lie !
I hope in some way, my posts and replies may of helped you, I hope you like what I have said here if not feel free to send me a none flame PM