Hi All, sharing this short survey study from the University of Greenwich on behalf of a friend. https://greenwichunivers.../form/SV_6AwC7MwBWaC6WNvQuote:We would like to invite you to take part in a study investigating psychedelic substance users' connectedness with Nature following psychedelic experiences. This study is being conducted by Dr David Luke, Senior Lecturer in Psychology, and Alex Irvine, Research Assistant, at the University of Greenwich. If you consent to take part in the study you will be asked to complete a short questionnaire of 11 items, asking you about the type of psychedelic substances you have used, the frequency of usage, the experiences you had and how these experiences affected your relationship with Nature. Some of the questions are multiple choice and some require your description. The questionnaire will take no more than 10 – 15 minutes to complete. You may omit any questions that you do not wish to answer. The study is not expected to involve physical risks, mental discomfort or harm. You are free to withdraw yourself or your data from the study at any time you choose, with no consequence. Your participation is completely voluntary and does not involve payment. Your forms will be kept securely and will be destroyed at the end of the study. All data kept in electronic format will be kept on a password accessed computer. The results of this research may be published or reported, but your name will not be associated in any way with any published results. To maintain confidentiality of records you will invent a personal code (you will be asked to write this down later), which will identify your data. You may withdraw your data anonymously by emailing your personal code to me at the address below. Data can be withdrawn at any time up until processing in April, 2020. Do not hesitate to contact the researchers if you have any questions. To protect your anonymity emails will be deleted once your enquiry is answered. Name of investigators: Dr David Luke, D.P.Luke@gre.ac.uk Alex Irvine, ai2156k@gre.ac.uk Declaration: I have read and understood the above information. I have given been given a copy of this information. I have had an opportunity to ask questions and I have received satisfactory answers.