Merry Christmas to you too!! On my back and tumbling Down that hole and back again Rising up And wiping the webs and the dew from my withered eye.
merry christmas to the whole nexus family!
I'm taking at least one Santa's Elves hostage. Some things will come easy, some will be a test
ms_manic_minxx wrote:I'm taking at least one Santa's Elves hostage. LOL, treat your hostage well... And Merry Christmas to you all too! Kind regards, The Traveler
to all those that celebrate merry christmas and happy whatever else and good newyears an what nots many blessings into the newyear! "once youve locked yourself into a serious drug collection the tendency is to push it as far as you can..." - hunter s. thompson
~~~~~~~~...You are me and i am you, i will always be with you...~~~~~~~~IAmUsWeYouMe~~~~~~~~ ‹maxzar100› YOU are like acid ‹mattimus› dosesdosingdoses
Merry Christmas Nexus Family May we all be together for many more!
Merry 25th of December all Love respect Carry forth to 2010 Much respect to all from L_Star
Disclaimer: EVERYTHING posted by L_Star is said from the following persons: SWIM. All are hypothetical posts and are not endorsements of any activities, beliefs, and practices stated, that may be correlated with the person stated, or another person posting, or third party user, in anyway on dmt-nexus.com. All that is said is for educational purposes and as said is "hypothetical" and therefore cannot be taken for true accounts. SWIM and L_Star abide by the Law in all practices. SWIM would like reader to note that SWIM is blind, and L_Star is a typing assistant voluntering for SWIM. L_Star is bound by legal legislation for customer privacy by Data Protection Act, therefore SWIM will not be identified.
Regards L_Star
Merry Christmas, and have a happy and safe new years. By allowing this message to pass through your cornea, into your retina, you accept it as is and agree to my disclaimer regarding my posts that they are a complete falsification by doing so freeing me of all liability, direct, indirect, consequential or incidental that may arise from the instillation of this post in your memory bank.
Merry Christmas- Santa left me a snowglobe in my freezer!
It smells amaaaaaaaaaaaaaaazing!
Yeah and happy new year 2010. Santa brought almost 2 grams of full range mescaline acetate to ILPT so he can share with parrots and friends also few portions of mushies, some delicious white wine, pinch of thh and crappy spice(suspected NMT) which however giving colours and visuals if enough is smoked (especialy the red oily leftovers from heptane rex) Thanx to God for what their got . Be all blessed my friends !!! As a kemist I never met ILPT in physical form and never talk to him. He share his wisdom, trough my mind, telepathicly only. Please don`t prosecute me, for his possible illegal activities. He is bonkers about chemistry and doesn`t even exist in this primitive reality !!!