Hello, everyone!
I hope it's ok that i post this question here, i could join another forum that focuses on truffles and shrooms. But i would like to make this the only forum i need. If my thread is not welcome in this section of the forum, please delete it.
My first question is, if i take some LC and add some to another jar of Honey and water, will it be cloned? I think it will, but i find it better to ask before wasting my time.
My second question is regarding the time from pressure cooked substrate to inoculation.
I have a small pressure cooker that can only sterilize 1 bag at a time, i have currently prepared 6 bags with rye berries. And i'm wondering if i can sterilize one, let it cool and store it some place dark, then sterilize another and store that too etc. Is there a time limit on inoculation?
“If the words ‘life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness’ don’t include the right to experiment with your own consciousness, then the Declaration of Independence isn’t worth the hemp it was written on.” - Terence McKenna