I usually get anxious too. You never know where that journey might be heading. There were times where I was very confident. Actually many years, without any fear of psychedelics. They had kicked my ass several times but I could always just handle it and I knew I'd be fine.
But then suddenly on one trip I went way deeper than ever into a hellish nightmare, and since then I'm always a bit anxious and extra cautious. I've had some very challenging trips the last two years but they've all taught me a lot and I've changed a lot in my life these two years.
My last trip was two weeks ago and it was a bit extreme. But very good. I had been dosing harmalas for two weeks beforehand, 100-200mg. a day, so my system was probably a bit saturated with harmalas. Then I ate just one gram of lib caps and had one of the strongest and longest trips of my life. Very good, ecstatic and healing, but also very difficult at the end.
And I'm better now than I've been for a long time. Years
DMTripper is a fictional character therefore everything he says here must be fiction.
I mean, who really believes there is such a place as Hyperspace!!