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"They" just laughed at me Options
#1 Posted : 11/8/2012 6:04:05 AM

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So I tried out my slightly yellow batch. Was going to go for a bigger dose but I chickened out. So I loaded 15mg and threw on some music, vaporized and launched.

My body slowly disintegrated. The awareness of my surroundings slowly faded from my mind. I was in this very large warehouse sized room. There was an entity near the ceiling. He was very large with a bulbous body and head. No arms or legs. He said to me through telepathy "so you want to know everything? Well here it is!" As he laughed. His mouth open, crazy flashes of neon light and trippy looking designs inside. These rings appeared from the ceiling and reached down to the ground. The room was a plastic white looking material and the rings were made from the same thing. Many rings that were connected In a way near the top. Inside the ring itself, not the center but in between the inside edge and outside edge, was crazy flashes of neon colors with very fine and intricate symbols. Very close to eachother almost touching.

As I observed all this I felt slight humiliation. The entity laughed and rolled around. "You know nothing. You think you do but you have no idea." He said to me. I felt myself sinking downwards. Out of the room. He continued to laugh at me and show me how I know nothing and don't have the capacity to understand. It left me feeling like all my talk about anything really is just babbling, that none of it is as important as i feel it to be because this is a small part of the real experience. This life I am living is a fraction of the idea of understanding.

This experience has left me feeling... Different. I enjoyed this experience very much. But it also has left me kind of distraught about my previous understandings of things. I'm really kid of speechless, and atleast partially cause now I feel like I really have no idea. About anything.

Another 15mg breakthrough.

Peace and love nexus

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#2 Posted : 11/8/2012 6:33:59 AM

Armchair activist

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woah, thanks for sharing. Sounds like an intresting experience, I wouldnt think to much about the entity saying you have no idea. unless you walked in with a mindset: I know everything Razz would be pointless mocking otherwise. maybe it was in their fun way of expressing it.

15mg, that is insane. you really got your smoking method down
#3 Posted : 11/8/2012 6:42:00 AM

me magic man! me gualapa!

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zombicyckel wrote:
unless you walked in with a mindset: I know everything Razz would be pointless mocking otherwise. maybe it was in their fun way of expressing it.

This! Going into dmt land for greed of knowledge is expecting something, and we all know we shouldn't expect anything exactly when lifting off. That and I bet people wanting answers to everything is what entities encounter the most as far as questions go.. I guess

anrchy wrote:
So I tried out my slightly yellow batch. Was going to go for a bigger dose but I chickened out. So I loaded 15mg and threw on some music, vaporized and launched.

My body slowly disintegrated. The awareness of my surroundings slowly faded from my mind. I was in this very large warehouse sized room. There was an entity near the ceiling. He was very large with a bulbous body and head. No arms or legs. He said to me through telepathy "so you want to know everything? Well here it is!" As he laughed. His mouth open, crazy flashes of neon light and trippy looking designs inside. These rings appeared from the ceiling and reached down to the ground. The room was a plastic white looking material and the rings were made from the same thing. Many rings that were connected In a way near the top. Inside the ring itself, not the center but in between the inside edge and outside edge, was crazy flashes of neon colors with very fine and intricate symbols. Very close to eachother almost touching.

As I observed all this I felt slight humiliation. The entity laughed and rolled around. "You know nothing. You think you do but you have no idea." He said to me. I felt myself sinking downwards. Out of the room. He continued to laugh at me and show me how I know nothing and don't have the capacity to understand. It left me feeling like all my talk about anything really is just babbling, that none of it is as important as i feel it to be because this is a small part of the real experience. This life I am living is a fraction of the idea of understanding.

This experience has left me feeling... Different. I enjoyed this experience very much. But it also has left me kind of distraught about my previous understandings of things. I'm really kid of speechless, and atleast partially cause now I feel like I really have no idea. About anything.

Another 15mg breakthrough.

Peace and love nexus

Wow.. well taking psychedelics (or other drugs) we do expose ourselves to entities, good or bad, far more than when we're sober (I've been told this or something similar by a shaman).

I think what you need to consider is the greed for knowledge. People always want answers to everything. The truth is we will never know why life exists, why every other planet is lifeless and why we Earth has life. I believe we exist to exist. We are so lucky to have this experience. This experience as a human could be one of many other experiences we will have, who knows. Hopefully man doesn't destroy the planet Earth, as we know of no other living planets. Who knows, we might even be repeating our existence until we get it right- humanity needs to learn the only pluses of society is that allows us to live longer, more comfortable, and easier. No other pluses of society matter, and society is slowly killing of our Earth, which isn't fair to the plants, the fungi, the tribes who aren't "civilized", the clouds, the rocks, or anything else a part of life. Anyways I'm babbling because I just smoked so I can focus really well and think very fast on whatever my mind wanders to.

I'm just weeks away tho from my first dmt experience away, so I don't know everything. Could you possibly have talked to the (possibly bad) entity? because I would have told the entity, "I feel sorry for you, because you having nothing to do in this existence but make fun of other people because of their amount of knowledge. Knowledge that you cannot gain yourself is completely irrelevant, therefore I do not need your knowledge, only your love, otherwise your absence. I am my everything".

* I took the "i am everything part" from my quote in my sig. basically means you are everything

zombicyckel wrote:

Another 15mg breakthrough.

Peace and love nexus

can you tell us your tips on what you did to eventually lower the dose to 15mg to breakthrough? or has it always taken 15mg for you to breakthrough? it seems to me it might be a combination of a perfect smoking method and the right mental state-having intent on breakthroughing maybe? meditation? I don't know but please tell us any tips or instructions! I would hate to waste the dmt I get from extraction (i'll be using q21q21's extraction, I saw your thread on the results) because I'm only extracting from 100g of bark and I am providing to my close friends for free as well as myself.
"There is no teacher, no pupil; there is no leader; there is no guru; there is no Master, no Saviour. You yourself are the teacher and the pupil; you are the Master; you are the guru; you are the leader; you are everything. And to understand is to transform what is." - Jiddu Krishnamurti

Open your mind! Those without a welcome mat for new ideas won't ever learn how to live their life to the fullest.

existentialism - the philosophical idea that your own experiences & thinking initially determine why we exist and subsequentley, how we can fulfill our existence (our life). /////// I believe most of us come to the conclusion that we exist to exist, that there is no other answer for life. What we all debate in our own minds is how we should go about fulfilling our lives.
#4 Posted : 11/8/2012 6:52:39 AM

DMT-Nexus member

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gualapa wrote:
because I'm only extracting a 100g and I am providing to my close friends for free as well as myself.

100g Shocked Crying or very sad Shocked

I'll bet you are providing...with a shovel...Big grin
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#5 Posted : 11/8/2012 7:09:26 AM

me magic man! me gualapa!

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cyb wrote:
gualapa wrote:
because I'm only extracting a 100g and I am providing to my close friends for free as well as myself.

100g Shocked Crying or very sad Shocked

I'll bet you are providing...with a shovel...Big grin

don't mean to hijack thread, do you mean I'll have a lot or not much? I was under the impression I'd get around 600-1000mg from the extraction using an a/b extraction (q21q21's white fluffy funfest) from a 100g. I actually have a lot of close friends I'm providing for for free (could be 5-10), and pretending I only use it for breakthru's and not low doses; now let's say breakthru's average at 50mg of spice, tat's anywhere from 12-20 doses, which only leaves me with a few breakthru's worth of spice after I help other people (I mostly want to provide life changing experiences to my friends who are interested). * Don't worry I'm not being stupid or anything, I am telling my friends how to prepare for a dmt experience thru researching on your own plus telling them not to expect anything but the craziest experience ever! *
"There is no teacher, no pupil; there is no leader; there is no guru; there is no Master, no Saviour. You yourself are the teacher and the pupil; you are the Master; you are the guru; you are the leader; you are everything. And to understand is to transform what is." - Jiddu Krishnamurti

Open your mind! Those without a welcome mat for new ideas won't ever learn how to live their life to the fullest.

existentialism - the philosophical idea that your own experiences & thinking initially determine why we exist and subsequentley, how we can fulfill our existence (our life). /////// I believe most of us come to the conclusion that we exist to exist, that there is no other answer for life. What we all debate in our own minds is how we should go about fulfilling our lives.
#6 Posted : 11/8/2012 7:21:02 AM

DMT-Nexus member

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gualapa wrote:
do you mean I'll have a lot or not much?

hehe no...just looked like you were extracting 100g of spice...that's nearly 4ozs.Surprised
100g of bark..should get you between 1 and 2g of spice...at 20mg per dose..that's 50-100 doses. More than enough to keep you going for a while.

I use my own 'Salt Tek' and get around 1g per 50g bark (depending on the bark quality)

Anrchy did a great job on the Q21 tek...follow his lead and the funfest will be a good one.
Very happy

@anrchy..Yes mate...well doneWink
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#7 Posted : 11/8/2012 12:04:20 PM

Paradox Entity

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anrcy A great read nice n short
I can definitely understand how that must have went down, once all of the information they fill you with becomes to much you can just feel them laughing at you. Brain filled to overload, it explodes, and reality is put back together.
All that remains is awe. Every experience is a blessing.

gualapa IME It seems the entities just want to put you in your place. They will put you in your place. What they shows is just so mind shattering that how could a being not laugh after sharing a gift that powerful. It's like "Haha you asked for it, here it is".
I doubt any communication from us holds any weight to them so anything you try to communicate may be voided. You become nothing as well as everything.
The Code Was Written In Blood
When the People Fear the Government there is Tyranny, When the Government Fears the People there is Liberty Thomas Jefferson
#8 Posted : 11/8/2012 12:24:45 PM

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there is no rule written anywhere that entities have to tell the truth, know everything, or act in your best interest. putting up shows of mind boggling grandeur and power, stunning lights and images, is nothing at all for them.

the entities have a great deal to gain by earning your trust and respect. they are not complete microcosms as you are. be cautious.
#9 Posted : 11/8/2012 12:36:57 PM

DMT-Nexus member

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Abrazaderas wrote:

the entities have a great deal to gain by earning your trust and respect. they are not complete microcosms as you are.

It seems like if anything, they would be microcosms of you. In any case, I don't understand that point. I don't see how trust/respect and microcosms have anything to do with each other.
"Science without religion is lame. Religion without science is blind" - Albert Einstein

"The Mighty One appears, the horizon shines. Atum appears on the smell of his censing, the Sunshine- god has risen in the sky, the Mansion of the pyramidion is in joy and all its inmates are assembled, a voice calls out within the shrine, shouting reverberates around the Netherworld." - Egyptian Book of the Dead

"Man fears time, but time fears the Pyramids" - 9th century Arab proverb
#10 Posted : 11/8/2012 1:37:10 PM

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This entity definitely put me in my place. I'm often too opinionated at times. Specifically yesterday before I dosed I Hve a friend in need of help to get back on his feet a "lecture" on what he's doing wrong and what he needs to do. I had also had a long debate with the same friend about "how things are" which definitely set up this mindset for me and they showed me exactly what I needed to see.

Left me feeling like my babbling is just that. Babbling. Also this entity I don't believe was a bad entity at all. This experience was note of a: lighten up, things are much more complicated than the things you've got going on in your own little world, you shouldn't be so "matter of fact" about so much and you should just have your little experience because there is much more out their for you to see, in time. In time.

As far as my technique, I use a "meth-pipe-bong". I use very little heat, and I do little lung pumps on the bong while heating it up until I see vapor filling up then I start a smooth slow inhale until it stops. When I heat it up I move my arm in an arcing motion, stop at the glass for a second then pull away and arc. Staying an inch or two away the hole time. When the heat I apply is enough I let it do its job. The glass will stay got enough for vaporization for a few seconds atleast. Don't keep heating or you will increase temperature.
Open your Mind (โ’ถ) Please read my DMT vaping guide (โ’ถ) Fear is the mind killer

"Energy flows where attention goes"

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#11 Posted : 11/8/2012 3:05:31 PM

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Global wrote:

It seems like if anything, they would be microcosms of you. In any case, I don't understand that point. I don't see how trust/respect and microcosms have anything to do with each other.

they exist solely through you. they are separate from 'you' only in that they represent fragmented portions of yourself; but if you allow them, they can become gods, demons, angels, or even begin to exhibit appearances of individuality - but make no mistake this can only be at your expense. many of these entities would love to be worshipped and revered in the same way throwing certain elements and substances into water creates a exothermic reaction.

a microcosm means, tiny universe (inside of man), macrocosm means the big universe (outside of man). as above, so below. the jarring alieness of a DMT experience - and yet - the 'i've been here before' 'how did i forget'? we are meeting ourselves. we can be our own worst enemy, in fact, what stands in our way but our self? as self mastery must precede mastery of the physical world.

wisdom is to call each thing by its proper name. the identification and testing of entities is crucial to the proper handling of the forces they embody, in astral journeys, lucid dreams, or hyperspace.
Sky Motion
#12 Posted : 11/8/2012 3:18:35 PM


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Really liked this one anrchy, you remind me a lot of myself Smile
#13 Posted : 11/8/2012 3:23:38 PM

DMT-Nexus member

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Abrazaderas wrote:

wisdom is to call each thing by its proper name. the identification and testing of entities is crucial to the proper handling of the forces they embody, in astral journeys, lucid dreams, or hyperspace.

Wisdom is the realization that you actually understand very little, but that it's ok because you are always learning, revising and re-revising. I think you're much too fast to make any conclusions about the ontological nature of these entities.
"Science without religion is lame. Religion without science is blind" - Albert Einstein

"The Mighty One appears, the horizon shines. Atum appears on the smell of his censing, the Sunshine- god has risen in the sky, the Mansion of the pyramidion is in joy and all its inmates are assembled, a voice calls out within the shrine, shouting reverberates around the Netherworld." - Egyptian Book of the Dead

"Man fears time, but time fears the Pyramids" - 9th century Arab proverb
#14 Posted : 11/8/2012 3:34:22 PM

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we'll just have to agree to disagree on those points.
#15 Posted : 11/8/2012 4:21:20 PM

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Abrazaderas wrote:
Global wrote:

It seems like if anything, they would be microcosms of you. In any case, I don't understand that point. I don't see how trust/respect and microcosms have anything to do with each other.

they exist solely through you. they are separate from 'you' only in that they represent fragmented portions of yourself; but if you allow them, they can become gods, demons, angels, or even begin to exhibit appearances of individuality - but make no mistake this can only be at your expense. many of these entities would love to be worshipped and revered in the same way throwing certain elements and substances into water creates a exothermic reaction.

a microcosm means, tiny universe (inside of man), macrocosm means the big universe (outside of man). as above, so below. the jarring alieness of a DMT experience - and yet - the 'i've been here before' 'how did i forget'? we are meeting ourselves. we can be our own worst enemy, in fact, what stands in our way but our self? as self mastery must precede mastery of the physical world.

wisdom is to call each thing by its proper name. the identification and testing of entities is crucial to the proper handling of the forces they embody, in astral journeys, lucid dreams, or hyperspace.

You should be careful in your posts claiming such certainties. If anything DMT has taught me its definitely that whatever it is that we experience we cannot make any claims as to the true nature of "what" it really is.
Open your Mind (โ’ถ) Please read my DMT vaping guide (โ’ถ) Fear is the mind killer

"Energy flows where attention goes"

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#16 Posted : 11/8/2012 4:38:45 PM

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Absolute Certainty is my goal, and there is nothing that can prevent my success. to know the exact, true nature of 'it' beyond any doubt is exactly what i intend and will. success and victory will be my proof. i don't desire to argue, convert, prove, or proselytize; my task is to assert, define, and schematize. that which has no beginning can have no end, it is true. Conclusion is the only result i accept from Question because a quest must begin and end. to Know... experience is the difference between knowledge and belief.

Sky Motion
#17 Posted : 11/8/2012 4:40:42 PM


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Abrazaderas wrote:
Absolute Certainty is my goal, and there is nothing that can prevent my success. to know the exact, true nature of 'it' beyond any doubt is exactly what i intend and will. success and victory will be my proof. i don't desire to argue, convert, prove, or proselytize; my task is to assert, define, and schematize. that which has no beginning can have no end, it is true. Conclusion is the only result i accept from Question because a quest must begin and end. to Know... experience is the difference between knowledge and belief.

psychedelics will get you no where then, and nothing will give you certainty from my experience.
Sky Motion
#18 Posted : 11/8/2012 4:41:25 PM


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Psychedelics are much more than trying to find truth and answers, they are the best way to partake in the greatest mystery of all.
#19 Posted : 11/8/2012 4:46:14 PM

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Abrazaderas wrote:
we'll just have to agree to disagree on those points.

Bill Cipher
#20 Posted : 11/8/2012 4:48:20 PM

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Abrazaderas wrote:
Absolute Certainty is my goal, and there is nothing that can prevent my success. to know the exact, true nature of 'it' beyond any doubt is exactly what i intend and will. success and victory will be my proof. i don't desire to argue, convert, prove, or proselytize; my task is to assert, define, and schematize. that which has no beginning can have no end, it is true. Conclusion is the only result i accept from Question because a quest must begin and end. to Know... experience is the difference between knowledge and belief.

Good luck with that.

Be prepared to go to your death bed having failed miserably in your aims and missed the point of existence entirely.
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