| LOCKED Umbrella hypotheses and parsimony in human evolution: a critique of the Aquatic Ape Hypothesis
Started by dreamer042
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| LOCKED I didn't know I had Synesthesia
Started by Macre ,
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| LOCKED Crash course chemistry
Started by oetzi13
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| LOCKED Fear-extinction mediated by auditory cortex ligands
Started by LaTorre
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| LOCKED Loop Quantum Gravity: Black Hole Cores May Be Doorways
Started by Mindlusion
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| LOCKED Dopamine D2High receptors stimulated by phencyclidines, lysergic acid diethylamide, salvinorin A...
Started by dreamer042
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| LOCKED Cosmography of the Local Universe
Started by d-T-r
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| LOCKED The Double Slit Experiment and frequencies
Started by Fractalyzed ... , ,
| 85 replies 38,152 views | |
| LOCKED Exploration of Meta-Optimization
Started by hixidom
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| LOCKED Ecofriendly Xylene, 100% Organic Certified
Started by Mindlusion
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| LOCKED Scientists Capture First Images of Molecules Before and After Reaction May 30, 2013 — Every chemist
Started by null24
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| LOCKED A light switch for neurons
Started by Infectedstyle
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| LOCKED Cannabinoids Improve Efficiency of Mitochondria
Started by Aegle
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| LOCKED Beautiful Flowers Self-Assemble in a Beaker
Started by Aegle
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| LOCKED Mycelial networks underground signals
Started by Kazoo...
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| LOCKED Harvesting Electricity from Plants
Started by Aegle
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| LOCKED A possible physiological role for endogenous DMT
Started by Bancopuma
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| LOCKED 'Ata the humanoid'...
Started by Bancopuma
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| LOCKED Resuscitation medicine, NDE's, consciousness and death
Started by Bancopuma
| 1 replies 1,261 views | |
| LOCKED Newly developed oxygen particles
Started by anrchy
| 2 replies 1,267 views | |
| LOCKED caatinga's ecological importance
Started by iracema
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| LOCKED Where are some good expirements on psilocybin?
Started by Philosopher
| 3 replies 1,579 views | |
| LOCKED Breathe easy: Model and control of human respiration for computer animation
Started by embracethevoid
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| LOCKED Symbols of Power: Adinkras and the Nature of Reality
Started by Kazoo...
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| LOCKED The objective experience...
Started by camel
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