| Announcement [Harmalas] MAOI Drug Interaction Disclaimer
Started by dreamer042
| 0 replies 7,471 views | |
| Announcement Welcome new members!
Started by The Traveler
| 0 replies 14,969 views | |
| LOCKED Trick to speed up Harmala extraction from Syrian Rue (using Gordo Tek)
Started by Rolinwama
| 10 replies 2,243 views | |
| LOCKED First ayahuasca experience
Started by DreaM reporTs
| 0 replies 561 views | |
| LOCKED How can I make Mimosa Hostilis Root Bark DMT Slurry stronger
Started by wilspeak
| 11 replies 2,478 views | |
| LOCKED Salvia Divinorum Trip Report
Started by ThomLi
| 10 replies 1,929 views | |
| LOCKED Request advice on making Syrian Rue Tea for a mushroom trip
Started by wilspeak ,
| 34 replies 6,692 views | |
| LOCKED First difficult experience
Started by Tegridy
| 7 replies 1,969 views | |
| LOCKED An overwhelmingly terrifying experience
Started by Sanista
| 18 replies 4,658 views | |
| LOCKED First Ayahuasca Experience - Energetic Purging and Spirit World Contact
Started by shiva777
| 7 replies 1,820 views | |
| LOCKED Traumatic flashback?
Started by MAGMA17
| 5 replies 1,081 views | |
| LOCKED First pharmauasca experience!
Started by MAGMA17
| 13 replies 2,238 views | |
| LOCKED DMT Acetate to Freebase Conversion
Started by qetoh
| 3 replies 1,009 views | |
| LOCKED First DMT exp. Psychedelic crisis
Started by Stelliferous91 ,
| 23 replies 4,024 views | |
| LOCKED Advice for better OEVs
Started by uirhsvrer
| 13 replies 2,158 views | |
| LOCKED Help needed: E-mesh + DMT
Started by spx001
| 15 replies 4,075 views | |
| LOCKED Light = Power (and other observations in Hyperspace)
Started by PsychonautCX
| 3 replies 1,323 views | |
| LOCKED evento nexus
Started by am@nita
| 1 replies 560 views | |
| LOCKED A question from a newcomer
Started by MAGMA17 ,
| 25 replies 5,157 views | |
| LOCKED My journey to self made Changa
Started by Fridge , ,
| 43 replies 7,449 views | |
| LOCKED Using Lye in Q21Q21's Vinegar/Lime A/B Extraction Tek
Started by qetoh
| 2 replies 857 views | |
| LOCKED How to increase the potential of a drug before suicide
Started by Agápē
| 18 replies 4,129 views | |
| LOCKED Question: Is possible to snort DMT in the nose?
Started by spx001
| 5 replies 1,723 views | |
| LOCKED My opinion of the Yocan Evolve Plus
Started by SeekingPelican
| 6 replies 11,990 views | |
| LOCKED Question about high dose of DMT in GVG
Started by uirhsvrer
| 7 replies 1,257 views | |