| LOCKED My recent salvia experience. and my new found respect! Too cool!
Started by fibfab3301
| 4 replies 4,934 views | |
| LOCKED Salvia Recognita and Salvia Glutinosa Repot
Started by Ulim
| 11 replies 9,396 views | |
| LOCKED Salvia from seed
Started by sapphire ,
| 29 replies 20,713 views | |
| LOCKED balloon and sticker
Started by Sakkadelic
| 8 replies 5,409 views | |
| LOCKED Primera Comunión con Ska Pastora
Started by smoothmonkey
| 3 replies 3,153 views | |
| LOCKED Salvia causing no visuals but near heart failure?
Started by dmusicaltrancistor
| 3 replies 3,450 views | |
| LOCKED New Psychoactive Species of Salvia
Started by Bancopuma
| 3 replies 5,907 views | |
| LOCKED Salvia Grow From Seed - A Journal (of sorts anyway)
Started by MasonJarBong , , ,
| 65 replies 40,609 views | |
| LOCKED cleaning salvia extract for cleaner experiance...
Started by starway6
| 0 replies 1,743 views | |
| LOCKED Salvinorin Analogues; Beyond Salvinorin A
Started by Infundibulum , ,
| 42 replies 52,522 views | |
| LOCKED Cleaning a Salvia Extract in solution
Started by ThirdEyeVision
| 12 replies 8,703 views | |
| LOCKED My salvinorin A Extraction Idea
Started by Apoc ,
| 21 replies 21,262 views | |
| LOCKED Emerald Velvet
Started by gibran2
| 19 replies 13,187 views | |
| LOCKED Paddling in the shallow end of Salvia tincture
Started by _Arcane_
| 2 replies 2,927 views | |
| LOCKED Salvia - One for the Books
Started by Legarto Rey
| 0 replies 1,652 views | |
| LOCKED Salvia Divinorum, the Claustrum, Consciousness ....
Started by starway6
| 1 replies 2,469 views | |
| LOCKED salvia droid art..
Started by starway6
| 5 replies 7,574 views | |
| LOCKED Looking for a salvia cutting in US
Started by Mister_Niles
| 6 replies 7,888 views | |
| LOCKED My Salvia Liberation
Started by ElevatorAlley
| 7 replies 5,407 views | |
| LOCKED Growing salvia from seed
Started by MasonJarBong
| 14 replies 9,678 views | |
| LOCKED salvia...link to the spirit world?
Started by starway6
| 5 replies 6,309 views | |
| LOCKED salvia grow advice
Started by inaniel
| 10 replies 9,603 views | |
| LOCKED curling leaves, nutrient problem?
Started by skoobysnax
| 3 replies 4,034 views | |
| LOCKED Listening to Nature Sounds
Started by enthdimension
| 2 replies 2,552 views | |
| LOCKED Can Salvia be orally Active ??
Started by Observant
| 16 replies 24,995 views | |