| LOCKED Freebase to fumarate - no problems until NOW. Need help.
Started by Nature Boy
| 11 replies 7,122 views | |
| LOCKED Dry IPA / Acetone without the use of expensive epsom salts?
Started by Purges
| 11 replies 15,544 views | |
| LOCKED Psilocin freebase to fumarate - what did I do wrong?
Started by RigaCrypto ,
| 24 replies 18,747 views | |
| LOCKED freezing dry iso to precip fumarates
Started by mew
| 5 replies 3,994 views | |
| LOCKED pics
Started by shoe
| 13 replies 13,742 views | |
| LOCKED Fumarates fasa recrystalizaton, how long to base?
Started by The Day Tripper
| 1 replies 2,109 views | |
| LOCKED Fumarate to freebase conversion need help :)
Started by amazingino
| 5 replies 4,439 views | |
| LOCKED Ideas and Questions on Tek from Infundibulum
Started by Myco
| 3 replies 3,450 views | |
| LOCKED Pulling mescaline with naphtha
Started by Wax
| 6 replies 6,203 views | |
| LOCKED DMT Fumarate > Freebase using Sodium BIcarbonate (woops?)
Started by Thrift
| 6 replies 6,487 views | |
| LOCKED Salting DMT out of d-limonene with FASA
Started by Pup Tentacle
| 10 replies 7,759 views | |
| LOCKED Can someone suggest best way to convert FB back to Fumarate.
Started by plumsmooth
| 4 replies 3,231 views | |
| LOCKED Best tray for scraping up jungle fumarate?
Started by moyshekapoyre
| 6 replies 4,582 views | |
| LOCKED Manske on mimosa...possible ?
Started by intosamadhi
| 13 replies 7,731 views | |
| LOCKED TASA/I for mescaline?
Started by The Day Tripper
| 0 replies 1,685 views | |
| LOCKED Fumarate - Freebase conversion (too much sodium carbonate) HELP!
Started by Purges
| 5 replies 4,488 views | |
| LOCKED Why turn freebase into fumarate? What is the point?
Started by behindthelight
| 4 replies 11,756 views | |
| LOCKED Nomans with D-limo and Fasa?
Started by SHroomtroll ,
| 20 replies 16,011 views | |
| LOCKED Why is my fumaric salting so inefficient?
Started by moyshekapoyre
| 5 replies 4,223 views | |
| LOCKED Pictures, you ask?
Started by TmC47
| 4 replies 6,353 views | |
| LOCKED Converting 5-MEO-MIPT freebase to fumarate?
Started by InnerDarkness
| 8 replies 7,762 views | |
| LOCKED where to buy fumaric acid
Started by Eluna
| 12 replies 18,654 views | |
| LOCKED What the heck? My dmt ipa/water won't evap?
Started by moyshekapoyre
| 5 replies 3,881 views | |
| LOCKED Fumarate FASW yeild question
Started by The Day Tripper
| 1 replies 2,395 views | |
| LOCKED malec to fumeric by baking?
Started by greymatter
| 7 replies 5,693 views | |