| LOCKED Dream herbs and herbs to help you fall asleep...questions
Started by breeze225
| 6 replies 3,391 views | |
| LOCKED MDMA-like effects from 5-HTP?
Started by soul-explorer
| 1 replies 1,837 views | |
| LOCKED Felt Great The Next Day~~Ketamine Experience Report~~Fourth Experience~~Insufflation, 60mg.
Started by FranLover
| 0 replies 1,244 views | |
| LOCKED I disrespected ketamine and paid for it
Started by Nydex
| 14 replies 9,167 views | |
| LOCKED A Tinge of Terror~~Ketamine Experience~~Second Experience~~Insufflation, 30mg.
Started by FranLover
| 5 replies 3,176 views | |
| LOCKED My most beautiful ketamine experience
Started by Nydex
| 0 replies 1,248 views | |
| LOCKED Psychedelic Insects?
Started by idtravlr
| 17 replies 20,128 views | |
| LOCKED Yummy!~~Ketamine Experience Report~~First Experience~~Insufflation, 50mg.
Started by FranLover
| 2 replies 1,885 views | |
| LOCKED Need a chemist help
Started by Achilles
| 2 replies 2,085 views | |
| LOCKED 2C-X Nosespray with Benzocaine?
Started by Brennendes Wasser
| 1 replies 1,878 views | |
| LOCKED TEK for Kola Nut oil extract?
Started by Brennendes Wasser
| 0 replies 1,199 views | |
| LOCKED strychnine inquiry
Started by Keeper Trout
| 15 replies 7,117 views | |
| LOCKED An Acacian Climb to the Flowers of Passion(Brew of Acacia Simplicifolia and Passiflora Incarnata)
Started by Chimp Z
| 9 replies 7,608 views | |
| LOCKED P. Colorata - bioassay, anyone?
Started by padawan
| 8 replies 5,305 views | |
| LOCKED Some advices in Tobacco-preparation for Mapacho/Rapé...
Started by donfoolio
| 5 replies 3,602 views | |
| LOCKED Cat's Claw as an atypical potentiator
Started by RhythmSpring
| 5 replies 3,829 views | |
| LOCKED Amphetamine Sulfate Cleanup
Started by DrSeltsam
| 13 replies 15,885 views | |
| LOCKED Kratom Extraction Pix
Started by Phlux-
| 12 replies 16,781 views | |
| LOCKED melatonin, psychedelic states and the pineal gland.
Started by jamie
| 12 replies 20,156 views | |
| LOCKED Macropiper excelsum / Maori Kava
Started by grollum
| 0 replies 1,547 views | |
| LOCKED Unwanted Mirtazapine Hallucinations
Started by VibeSurfer
| 2 replies 1,917 views | |
| LOCKED My Datura Experience
Started by theAlkēmist
| 6 replies 4,049 views | |
| LOCKED Passionflower + LSD / Mescaline / Mushrooms. Which dosage?
Started by brewster
| 14 replies 8,189 views | |
| LOCKED Repotting catha edulis
Started by Phlux-
| 1 replies 2,122 views | |
| LOCKED Spiritual/Religious significance of Nymphaea caerulea/ampla for аncient Egyptians and Mayans
Started by Nydex
| 7 replies 7,720 views | |