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4x the charm Options
#1 Posted : 7/3/2015 7:36:09 PM
DMT-Nexus member

Posts: 131
Joined: 24-Nov-2013
Last visit: 08-Nov-2021
So my buddy came over last night. Havent seen him in 6 years. I told him I had something special for him to try. He didnt even hesitate.

He came over, I loaded my gvg, and sat him outside under the stars in my camping chair. The first attempt, he opened his eyes and said, whoa! The car is stretching down the driveway. He asked me what he just smoalked. I said, CHANGA! He said that sounds like some crazy stuff.

Next hit, he closed his eyes and saw what he described as 4th dimensional creatures trying to rip open a door. He said they werent just trying to rip the door open, they were trying to pry the door off its hinges and tear thru.

Next hit, i play some cosmic space ambient music, he takes as many hits as he can, and he sees spiders webbing the fabric of life. As these are doing so, he sees pillars falling behind the spiders one by one. There is also a giant multi colored spider in the middle, and every now and then, it releases a golden drop of water that shoots in my friends face and explodes.

Final hit, he hits and sees the spiders again but this time realizes they arenr spiders, they are hands with strings attached to them. They pull him up into apace, and he enters what looks like a pillar of light, he said he then became creation and was creating. 10 mins later he opens his eyes and tells me it was the most beautiful amazing thing he has ever experienced. He reports that the landing back in his body was a bit rough but overall it was worth it

Good quality Syrian rue (Peganum harmala) for an incredible price!
#2 Posted : 7/4/2015 3:38:01 PM

DMT-Nexus member

Posts: 975
Joined: 24-Jan-2015
Last visit: 28-Feb-2023
Laughing Sounds like he went from stem to stern, from giddy-up to whoa!

#3 Posted : 7/4/2015 6:59:20 PM
DMT-Nexus member

Posts: 131
Joined: 24-Nov-2013
Last visit: 08-Nov-2021
lol indeed. I asked him if this experience trumped all his other "experiences" with his history of substances that he's used. (this was his 1st DMT experience with changa mixed with Rue Harmalas and spice from ACRB). He said, "Haha yeaaaah"

I couldn't help but giggle on the inside knowing he had no idea what it was he was smoalking. He's a pretty easy going guy who lives life on the edge so I figured he's one of the VERY FEW people I could get away with not telling before hand what he was getting himself into. Fortunately for him, the elves over at mission control were ready for launch off with their coffees and bagels.
#4 Posted : 7/4/2015 7:12:00 PM

DMT-Nexus member

Posts: 208
Joined: 09-May-2015
Last visit: 12-Sep-2016
Operculum wrote:
Fortunately for him, the elves over at mission control were ready for launch off with their coffees and bagels.

Lol nice metaphor! That sounds like an awesome introduction for him!
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