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#81 Posted : 7/24/2014 10:43:35 AM

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decibel wrote:
olympus mon wrote:

You will also need some good clean ash

Could you specify good clean ash? Smile Should i just burn some paper or maybe rizla (I'm guessing these are clean products) in a clean ashtray and collect the ash?

I usually just make sure the day before im collecting all the ash from my spliffs into a new container. 2,3 spliffs worth usually is enough for the sandwich technique.

Id be interested to know if that qualifies as 'clean' though, since its weed ash?

(just noticed you said you didnt smoke anything aside from dmt so burning papers prob the best bet for ya)

Good quality Syrian rue (Peganum harmala) for an incredible price!
#82 Posted : 7/24/2014 11:40:01 AM

veni, vidi, spici

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morning Japansage,

joint ash will be fine to use.

Have you tried infusing your Magic into herb such as mullein? It saves on having to mess about with ash and its easier to dose than crystals.

it's all in your mind, but what's your mind???

fool of the year

#83 Posted : 7/24/2014 1:38:54 PM

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You know what, I actually have Mullein. And I have 99% isoprol alcohol. Bought them both online when I first joined the nexus and havent done anything with them.

Im just slightly apprehensive on making changa in case I somehow mess it up and waste my spice.
#84 Posted : 7/24/2014 1:44:44 PM

veni, vidi, spici

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you must proceed my friend. Its ridiculously easy to make enhanced leaf.

Warm enough solvent to cover your chosen amount of mullein (i use a large (double) shot glass), then add you DMT to the warm solvent and stir until it dissolves, then add your mullein to the solvent and stir, keep stiring periodically until all the solvent has evaped.

this will leave all your magic infused into the mullien, then you just have to load a bowl and puff tuff. You wont be dissapointed, i promise.

it's all in your mind, but what's your mind???

fool of the year

#85 Posted : 7/24/2014 2:05:23 PM

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Do you do that per dose? I think its the dosing that worries me.

Like, say im taking 0.35 per journey currently. Can you just make changa out of that amount if you want to try it first? How much actual mullein would I use in relation to the spice, i read somewhere it should be the same - 1:1, if so surely 0.35 of mullein is nothing.

So if you cant make micro-dose changa, then i gotta take the plunge - dissolve a full gram of spice into the solvent and use a gram of mullein. My worry is then that i wont get as much out of a gram of changa? as in... it wont be as economical? Would i be able to then just blast off with 0.35 of mullein/changa each time?

I apologise for questioning when there is no doubt numerous threads about changa answering these questions, becuase of my waryness ive always stayed away from making it really.

#86 Posted : 7/24/2014 2:21:27 PM

veni, vidi, spici

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i wouldnt make a single dose, that would be a pain. You could make up a quater or half gram if you dont want to use a full gram.

I use 1:1 (magic:mullein) for mine.

i dont understand how you wont get as much, why do you think it wouldnt be economical?

if you infuse a gram of Magic into a gram of mullein you will have 2 grams of enhanced leaf, you can then measure out 70mg to equal a 35mg crystal dose, or, just load a cone and rip it until you destroy existence, i prefere the latterTwisted Evil .

i find that infused herb is more efficiant than the sandwich method.

if you havent, check THIS out

Its also only gonna be infused herb, to make Changa you need add some harmalas as well.

dont be wary, get stuck in and you will be greatly rewarded.

dont be shy, give it a tryVery happy

it's all in your mind, but what's your mind???

fool of the year

#87 Posted : 7/24/2014 2:35:10 PM

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3rdI wrote:
i wouldnt make a single dose, that would be a pain. You could make up a quater or half gram if you dont want to use a full gram.

I use 1:1 (magic:mullein) for mine.

if you infuse a gram of Magic into a gram of mullein you will have 2 grams of enhanced leaf, you can then measure out 70mg to equal a 35mg crystal dose, or, just load a cone and rip it until you destroy existence, i prefere the latterTwisted Evil .

Ok right im starting to get it now. The enhanced leaf will actually weigh 2 grams. So you just double the dose.

I think I will take your advice and make maybe a quarter gram of enhanced leaf to see how it goes. I actually have syrian rue kicking about here as well so i could maybe one day work up to making real changa
#88 Posted : 7/24/2014 3:15:35 PM

veni, vidi, spici

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Last visit: 22-Sep-2017
get it doneThumbs up

it's all in your mind, but what's your mind???

fool of the year

#89 Posted : 10/25/2014 1:35:48 PM

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Thank you very much for the post.

You gave the answer to a few questions that I had in that matter

I will use the info that you gave us wisely Smile

thank you
#90 Posted : 10/30/2014 3:10:49 AM
Ready are you? What know you of ready?

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Thank you for this post. Really helpful with calming down my worries about proper technique. Good to have the knowledge and respect of the power behind DMT.

I have a question to anyone that can answer.

Seeing I am a preflight individual and it may be redundant idk thats why I am asking.

But is your body completely incapacitated? Like will I be stationary due to affects or will I be able to interact with my surroundings?

Thanks for any response and best regards to all Smile

#91 Posted : 10/30/2014 3:49:06 AM

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The interaction is all with your consciousness. Moving detracts from the experience. Smaller doses and you CAN move, larger doses you usually dont even realize you have things that you can move.
Open your Mind (â’¶) Please read my DMT vaping guide (â’¶) Fear is the mind killer

"Energy flows where attention goes"

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#92 Posted : 10/30/2014 5:15:58 AM

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Japansage wrote:
Do you do that per dose? I think its the dosing that worries me.

Like, say im taking 0.35 per journey currently. Can you just make changa out of that amount if you want to try it first? How much actual mullein would I use in relation to the spice, i read somewhere it should be the same - 1:1, if so surely 0.35 of mullein is nothing.

So if you cant make micro-dose changa, then i gotta take the plunge - dissolve a full gram of spice into the solvent and use a gram of mullein. My worry is then that i wont get as much out of a gram of changa? as in... it wont be as economical? Would i be able to then just blast off with 0.35 of mullein/changa each time?

I apologise for questioning when there is no doubt numerous threads about changa answering these questions, becuase of my waryness ive always stayed away from making it really.


350mg!? -Jeebers!
#93 Posted : 11/7/2014 12:12:57 PM

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First post on the nexus, hi all Smile

I just thought I'd add my two cents on my favorite method so far.
I use a bucket bong. If you dunno what that is you can probably look it up.
Very popular with potheads, it delivers a massive hit very quickly.
Possibly the very best for those with weak/small capacity lungs.
I would assume layered sandwiches would work excellently with this method also.

I'm pretty new to all of this so I do not speak with any authority,
but I will say that I think it is worthy of your attention.
It hits like a great white though, hard and fast. so be warned. I had enough time to think
"holy shit that was a huge hit" and lay down before I fell head first into the void.
#94 Posted : 1/27/2015 9:42:23 AM

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I wish I had started with Changa when I was new to DMT. So much spice (and cash) wasted that never needed to be.
"I think human consciousness, is a tragic misstep in evolution. We became too self-aware, nature created an aspect of nature separate from itself, we are creatures that should not exist by natural law. We are things that labor under the illusion of having a self; an accretion of sensory, experience and feeling, programmed with total assurance that we are each somebody, when in fact everybody is nobody. Maybe the honorable thing for our species to do is deny our programming, stop reproducing, walk hand in hand into extinction, one last midnight - brothers and sisters opting out of a raw deal."Rust Cohle
#95 Posted : 4/26/2015 7:26:17 AM

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My recommendation:

Tube style oil Burner Bubbler Waterpipe

Cheap, simple, incredibly effective.
#96 Posted : 4/26/2015 10:54:45 AM

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gratuitous_atheist wrote:
I wish I had started with Changa when I was new to DMT. So much spice (and cash) wasted that never needed to be.

Yup lol..infused passionflower is very nice, not sure if there is enough for MAOI action but there is certainly something that adds its own character and reduces the mental and physical shock considerably..
Dream master t
#97 Posted : 5/2/2015 9:10:35 PM
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Hi fellow travelers. I'm new and just want to add my experience to help with people's experiences.
Well I got my fist little bit of spice about 400mcg in total from 50g pull of AC. First I tried in a regular glass cheapy base pipe which I dropped and smashed after trying a few little bits of spice which started the colours and walls breathing. The excitement built so I brought a sweet puff Pyrex pipe which spread and transfers the heat much better than the first pipe. From past experience with crystal M (evil crap) I found no problems with vaping spice. And I'm using maybe 6 or so little crystals and it's having effects. Wouldn't say I've blasted off but right on the verge where I'm fearful of going right on through everything's blurred totally and that death sensation is there.

Have had total blast off with salvia where I discovered the meaning/purpose of life but of course that answer disappears as you come back through the vail.

Just to get other people's experience do any of you guys experience chest pains near your heart consuming spice?
#98 Posted : 5/3/2015 12:34:53 AM

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Dream master t wrote:
Hi fellow travelers. I'm new and just want to add my experience to help with people's experiences.
Well I got my fist little bit of spice about 400mcg in total from 50g pull of AC. First I tried in a regular glass cheapy base pipe which I dropped and smashed after trying a few little bits of spice which started the colours and walls breathing. The excitement built so I brought a sweet puff Pyrex pipe which spread and transfers the heat much better than the first pipe. From past experience with crystal M (evil crap) I found no problems with vaping spice. And I'm using maybe 6 or so little crystals and it's having effects. Wouldn't say I've blasted off but right on the verge where I'm fearful of going right on through everything's blurred totally and that death sensation is there.

Have had total blast off with salvia where I discovered the meaning/purpose of life but of course that answer disappears as you come back through the vail.

Just to get other people's experience do any of you guys experience chest pains near your heart consuming spice?

There are a lot nicer ways to smoalk spice. Glass pipes are far too harsh for me.
No I personally don't have any pain in my body at all after consuming spice. Might pay to goto the doctor and get a general health check-up & blood pressure etc.

#99 Posted : 5/3/2015 7:41:54 AM
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I feel like part of getting the breakthrough experience is learning to 'let go' instead of fighting it. I had a hard time breaking through for awhile because I'd smoke as much as I could then get up and try to understand what was going on and hold on to reality as hard as I could in this really confused state. It wasn't until I figured out to close my eyes, not give into fear and let what felt like 'losing myself' happen, that I finally figured out how to break through into that other place. Harmalas definitely help too though.
#100 Posted : 5/3/2015 3:24:07 PM

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ConsciousPhoton wrote:
I feel like part of getting the breakthrough experience is learning to 'let go' instead of fighting it. I had a hard time breaking through for awhile because I'd smoke as much as I could then get up and try to understand what was going on and hold on to reality as hard as I could in this really confused state. It wasn't until I figured out to close my eyes, not give into fear and let what felt like 'losing myself' happen, that I finally figured out how to break through into that other place. Harmalas definitely help too though.

This is it in a nutshell.

You should also be in a place where there can be no distractions,and do all you need to do that day so there is nothing pending on your mind so you can be free to just let go and immerse yourself in it.
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