DMT-Nexus member
Posts: 595 Joined: 19-Aug-2009 Last visit: 30-Apr-2011
ghostman wrote:A good chef never blames his tools. A good lover never blames the size of his member. It's all about technique. On my very first and failed extraction, I was left with a minuscule amount of earwax spice, which I chased off a piece of foil into a 2lt soda bottle with the bottom cut off. It worked. Then I bought a bulb vaporizer, like this  I use it with a bic lighter and I won't say I never miss-fire (I have more spice than I could possibly handle anyway), but I kick off most times (30-40mg). I find I need to bring the bulb and spice up to heat, then I need to start toking, the melting spice needs airflow to start a vap stream, you can see white vap start up when toking begins. I get 2 to maximum 3 hits before I don't even understand what my hand is, then it's time to put it down quickly and settle back. I find it clean, easy to clean and quite effective. At my age, it's better than sucking on the end of a Tabasco sauce bottle with a brillo pad wedged up it's jacksie. That last bit had me cracking up