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BLAB - The Big Leisurely A/B Options
#1 Posted : 12/9/2009 10:46:28 AM

DMT-Nexus member

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So this is the next advancement in D-Limonene extraction teks. It was thought of for the Nexus by usweyoume. This tek is designed to use LITTLE space with lots of bark for HIGH yields. Nothing really more to say except this Tek was written while on the final material, pharma styleVery happy ~~~ONTO THE TEK~~~


-Gallon Milk Jug(HDPE #2 plastic)
-Two 800ml(as close as you can) glass jar
-One 100ml(also as close as you can get) glass jar
-250g Sodium Hydroxide
-About 5g of Fumaric Acid(probably way more than enough but whatever)
-1 liter of 5% vinegar
-450g(one pound) of powdered Mimosa hostilis root bark
-473ml(16fl oz) bottle of 99% IPA
-ABOUT 2.5 liters of water
-500ml of D-limonene(100ml per pull)

The Process

Step One: Take your gallon jug and pour 1 liter of vinegar into it. Then add your pound of bark. Shake this hard to get it all mixed up. Then put it somewhere and let it sit for 3 days.

Step Two: WEAR GLASSES. Add 500ml water to one of the large glass jars. Then slowly and carefully add 250g sodium hydroxide to it. Make sure this all gets absorbed into the water. Then after the lye water solution has cooled down, pour this into your gallon milk jug that has the vinegar and root bark in it. Then add around 1.75 liters of water to the jug to top it off(you want enough room at the top for 100ml of d-limonene). Now mix this together very well.

Step Three: Add 100ml of d-limonene to the gallon jug and mix it together. Don't shake it, just mix it end over end gently. Be careful to keep the cap on the milk jug. The first 2 pulls can be done in about 1-2 hours. After about an hour of mixing then separating and mixing and separating, pull as much of the d-limonene off the top as you can and put it into the other big glass jar. Do this again with another 100ml of d-limonene, mixing for an hour then pulling. The next three 100ml pulls will need to sit for a while longer to make sure you get all the dmt. Do at least one pull a day for three days. Mixing as often as you think about it. Add each pull to the dmt d-limonene jar.

Step Four: Take your small jar and put 5g fumaric acid in it and then fill the jar with your 99% IPA. Then mix this together until the IPA is completely saturated. This creates Fumaric Acid Saturated IPA(FASI). Most likely you will have excess fumaric acid on the bottom but that is fine. Now SLOWLY pour your FASI into your jar of dmt saturated d-limonene. The slower the better. For best results add 10ml FASI every 5 minutes until you dont see any more cloud forming in the d-limonene. This will crash out your dmt from the d-limonene. Allow this to sit for at least 24 hours after you stop putting in FASI so that the DMT Fumarate can fully crash out. After 24 hours add another 1ml of FASI to make sure all dmt has precipitated out. After you collect the DMT fumarate from the jar, put the d-limonene back into the jar and let it sit for a few days. More DMT fumarate will precipitate over time.

Step Five: Pour off the d-limonene from your now beautiful crystals. Turn the jar upside down and put it on a paper towel to absorb any extra D-Limonene that falls out. Allow this to sit out until it dries a bit more. You can use a bit of heat and a fan to speed this process up. Now scrape up your JIMJAM fumarate. It will smell mildly of oranges. DONE
it's a sound

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#2 Posted : 12/9/2009 10:50:15 AM


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The Traveler
#3 Posted : 12/9/2009 12:06:56 PM

"No, seriously"

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Great work!

And here's the Wiki: https://wiki.dmt-nexus.me/BLAB_-_The_Big_Lazy_A/B

Kind regards,

The Traveler
#4 Posted : 12/9/2009 12:07:51 PM

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it's a sound
#5 Posted : 12/9/2009 12:25:01 PM

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...but guys its' not strictly speaking an A/B! It is a A/B turned to STB. The bark is not strained out of the acidic solution. SWIM tried doing something similar some time ago by simmering the powdered bark in acidic solution for a couple of hours, did not strain it and went to add base.

He first basified the bark/acid mix with sodium carbonate as he would do for a A/B. This gave extremely poor yields. Only when he topped up the pH with sodium hydroxide (thus turning it to an STB-like) he could do decent pulls. Similarly, if this tek was a true A/B and not a A/B-turned-STB one should be able basify not by adding such a massive amount of sodium hydroxide, but by adding a gentler base like sodium carbonate. But from SWIM's experience this wouldn't work.

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#6 Posted : 12/9/2009 12:38:34 PM

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its not STRICTLY an A/B but it is! sodium hydrox is still a base..and vinegar is still an acid! and iwth MOST STBs the ratio of bark to lye is 1:1 and this on is 2:1....this is because of the reduced amount of water involved...because the vinegar seems to break down the bark in a different way than the sodium hydrox...and then the sodium hydrox breaks it down more...and an STB is STRAIGHT to Base...this is not straight to base Pleased
it's a sound
#7 Posted : 12/9/2009 1:04:51 PM

Kalt und Heiß, Schwarz und Rot, Kürper und Geist, Liebe und Chaos

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Jorkest wrote:
its not STRICTLY an A/B but it is! sodium hydrox is still a base..and vinegar is still an acid! and iwth MOST STBs the ratio of bark to lye is 1:1 and this on is 2:1....this is because of the reduced amount of water involved...because the vinegar seems to break down the bark in a different way than the sodium hydrox...and then the sodium hydrox breaks it down more...and an STB is STRAIGHT to Base...this is not straight to base Pleased

I totally understand what you're saying here!

The thing is that standard STBs already work perfectly with with a 2:1 bark/lye ratio. My point is that the tek wouldn't give worse yields if the amount of bark was dumped in the water along with the 250g of lye. Also, in this tek, a good amount of lye is consumed for the neutralisation of the vinegar instead of doing good things as it would in a standard STB.

A real improvement would be if the base was other than sodium hydroxide. As I described above, when SWIM did this A/B-turned-STB he was looking for a way to utilise sodium carbonate in STB. His logic was that instead of doing the STB and start pulling almost immediately, one would spend just a couple of hours first boiling the bark in acidified solution to release the goodies and then "lazily" move to basification without filtration using the sodium carbonate. But it didn't work as expected...

Just for the record however, SWIM used some ascorbic acid for his 2-hour acid cook. Maybe leaving for 3 days in vinegar gives better results? The tek is still promising however, it would be nice to see if basification of the 3-day long vinegar soak with sodium carbonate would suffice!

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#8 Posted : 12/9/2009 1:18:43 PM

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Very happy
it's a sound
#9 Posted : 12/9/2009 3:58:12 PM

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Looks great, I think I'll do this my next run. Thanks a bunch.
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#10 Posted : 12/9/2009 5:12:54 PM

The Great Namah

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Jorkest, with all respect, can you please change the name of this tek.

It breaks my heart to see Lazy in the same sentance with DMT extraction. I think it sends the wrong message. Easy might be a better word than Lazy.

I, personally, do not want anyone thinking that it is ok to be lazy about an extraction. The STB lazy teks are the worst, one should NEVER be lazy around NaOH solutions.
The Spice extends life
The Spice expands consciousness
The Spice is vital for space travel
Never underestimate the power of STUFF!

I am certifiably insane, as such all posts written by me should be regarded as utter nonsense or attempts to get attention.

I don't know SWIM and personally don't trust him at all. If SWIM is posting, most likely I will not respond...as I said, I don't trust the guy. YOU I trust, but never SWIM.
The Traveler
#11 Posted : 12/9/2009 5:33:42 PM

"No, seriously"

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acolon_5 wrote:
Jorkest, with all respect, can you please change the name of this tek.

It breaks my heart to see Lazy in the same sentance with DMT extraction. I think it sends the wrong message. Easy might be a better word than Lazy.

I, personally, do not want anyone thinking that it is ok to be lazy about an extraction. The STB lazy teks are the worst, one should NEVER be lazy around NaOH solutions.

Maybe "Lovely" is a better word?

BLAB - The Big Lovely A/B
#12 Posted : 12/9/2009 5:50:26 PM

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How bout....leisurely.

- lei⋅sure⋅ly

1. acting, proceeding, or done without haste; unhurried; deliberate: a leisurely conversation.
2. showing or suggesting ample leisure; unhurried: a leisurely manner.
"Within your heart is a lotus, and within this lotus is a diamond. This diamond is the source of creation, and in all the creation, there is only one lotus."

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#13 Posted : 12/9/2009 5:52:50 PM
DMT-Nexus member

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Seeing as to how you said for the bark/vinegar to soak for 3 days.. Would it be alright to just do (3) two hour acid cooks?

Does the acid cooks speed it up the process of turning the dmt into salt form? Or is the 3 day soak without cooking more effecient in turning all the dmt into salts?

Thanks for the wonderful tek!

#14 Posted : 12/9/2009 6:04:41 PM

The Great Namah

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^ a cook will pull out the alkaloids quicker than soaking. The DMT is already in salt form within the plant, I'm not sure if there is a salt conversion taking place or if the acidic water is just needed to increase the solubility of the DMT salts...

I always do 3-5 acid cooks, usually over 2 days. But then again, this is Jorkest's tek, so maybe he has a reason why it is soaking for 3 days.
The Spice extends life
The Spice expands consciousness
The Spice is vital for space travel
Never underestimate the power of STUFF!

I am certifiably insane, as such all posts written by me should be regarded as utter nonsense or attempts to get attention.

I don't know SWIM and personally don't trust him at all. If SWIM is posting, most likely I will not respond...as I said, I don't trust the guy. YOU I trust, but never SWIM.
#15 Posted : 12/9/2009 6:24:16 PM

DMT-Nexus member

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This sounds like quite the tek. Good think I have all of those ingredients laying around! I also am out of spices!
#16 Posted : 12/9/2009 7:35:47 PM

DMT-Nexus member

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the tek is what it is...who cares about a name anyway Pleased
it's a sound
#17 Posted : 12/9/2009 7:37:39 PM

DMT-Nexus member

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Dimitrius wrote:
How bout....leisurely.

- lei⋅sure⋅ly

1. acting, proceeding, or done without haste; unhurried; deliberate: a leisurely conversation.
2. showing or suggesting ample leisure; unhurried: a leisurely manner.

it's a sound
#18 Posted : 12/9/2009 7:43:24 PM

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Jorkest wrote:
Dimitrius wrote:
How bout....leisurely.

- lei⋅sure⋅ly

1. acting, proceeding, or done without haste; unhurried; deliberate: a leisurely conversation.
2. showing or suggesting ample leisure; unhurried: a leisurely manner.


Haha, nice.

Muchísimas gracias for the FASI precipitation improvement.

FASW evaporation is a pain...now an unnecessary pain.
"Within your heart is a lotus, and within this lotus is a diamond. This diamond is the source of creation, and in all the creation, there is only one lotus."

"Only from the Heart can you touch the sky." ~ Rumi
#19 Posted : 12/9/2009 8:02:36 PM

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acolon_5 wrote:
Jorkest, with all respect, can you please change the name of this tek.

It breaks my heart to see Lazy in the same sentance with DMT extraction. I think it sends the wrong message. Easy might be a better word than Lazy.

I, personally, do not want anyone thinking that it is ok to be lazy about an extraction. The STB lazy teks are the worst, one should NEVER be lazy around NaOH solutions.

you have a great point acolon...CHANGED Very happy

an notice the WEAR GLASSES part....most important part of the tek Pleased
it's a sound
#20 Posted : 12/9/2009 8:05:16 PM

DMT-Nexus member

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acolon_5 wrote:
^ a cook will pull out the alkaloids quicker than soaking. The DMT is already in salt form within the plant, I'm not sure if there is a salt conversion taking place or if the acidic water is just needed to increase the solubility of the DMT salts...

I always do 3-5 acid cooks, usually over 2 days. But then again, this is Jorkest's tek, so maybe he has a reason why it is soaking for 3 days.

the reason for NO cooking...is for simplicity...i live in a very small place with no running water and no kitchen...and very little space to COOK things...so with this tek...you will get incredible yields from the first few pulls and then pick up the left overs with the later pulls...

it's a sound
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