Try not to let the flame touch the brillo directly.
Just close enough so that you are heating the brillo up & allowing
it to form the vapor & keep it flowing steady while you inhale.
Except maybe on the last make sure you get anything that melted to the bottom side of the brillo.
Just a tip If you find the Machine works well for you, get youself a small waterpipe, or bubbler
with a thumb carb on it & put the brillo in the bowl of that!!
Use just enough water to make it bubble & you'll like it even more!!
(and NO!...the water filtering dose not alter the potency at all!!)A pull stem on the water pipe doesn't work as well, because
you need to keep the heat over the bowl constantly & you can't do that if you have to keep removing the bowl in order to clear the chamber.
With a thumb carb, I hold the lighter over the bowl &
fill the chamber, remove thumb & clear it, fill it, clear it, fill it, clear it,etc..etc.. until my lugs are full.
Varying the distance of the lighter above the bowl the whole time...keeping the vapor consistent.
A bunch of smaller hits in a row, adding up into one big-ass hit, makes it so I feel & taste nothing as I inhale!!
I'll do that 3-4 times for my full dose.
(with my new lil waterpipe, it has literary been 100% breakthroughs!! Never had that with any DMT device I've use before!)
This is the new water pipe I've been using & it's the best DMT device I've ever encountered!!!
100% ideal IMO!

It is not too was cheap & it even came with a cool little box.
Here is a link to the place I got it at.
They have a lot of other ones that would work great too!
If the brillo thing works good for you, I highly recommend you get yerself one of these as it is perfect!!!!!!
This other pic is the bubbler I used to think was ideal...I broke it while moving to a new apt & it took me 6 months & about 5 different waterpipes, bongs & bubblers to find another that worked really well.
Not all of them work as good as others. Like I said, find one with a big, wide hole for the thumb-carb, so it easily clears the chamber.
Too big a chamber & it doesn't clear as smooth either.
Last thing...find one that's you can see whats going on inside & clear the chamber as soon as it fills, for the smoothest, easiest results!!
WSaged attached the following image(s):

Full Pipe.jpg
(28kb) downloaded 341 time(s).All posts are fictional short stories depicting the adventures of WSaged!! None of these events have actually happened and any resemblance to any real persons or incidents is totally coincidence!!!!!!!!!!!!