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#1 Posted : 5/3/2017 4:06:27 PM

DMT-Nexus member

Posts: 170
Joined: 15-Apr-2017
Last visit: 17-Jan-2021
Dreamer pointed me to some older archives. I feel like this is great info for everyone, and a beautiful history on the subjects we talk about here. This was so we could see how people obtained 5-meo, but it really is interesting in many ways.

Old DMT Nexus

The entheogen review. (You can see how they struggled in the early 90's and were asking for collaboration. Lots of Tek in here.)

Dmt-Tribe via Google Cache. (need a better link)

Psychedelic Shamanism - DeKorne (I'm getting revised copy)
Creator of PS.. Home of the Jester and the Akashic Record (DMT Monster Manual).
If Chat is down here, feel free to take refuge in Experience Report Chat til it's back up.

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#2 Posted : 5/3/2017 4:37:52 PM


Moderator | Skills: Mostly harmless

Posts: 4711
Joined: 10-Sep-2009
Last visit: 31-May-2024
Location: Rocky mountain high
That first link is actually the old DMT World archives

Here is the wayback machine link to the front page of the DMT tribe at Tribe.net.

You can access most of the information on the dmt tribe via google cache, in order to do so you have to google search the specific topics. For example type "dmt.tribe.net" into google and you should see one of the top few links will be a dmt.tribe.net link (in my case it was "photographs of DMT crystals" you can get a pretty good list of topics by clicking the little "more results from dmt.tribe.net" link. In any case, many of the links will have a little down arrow next to the url, clicking the arrow will give you a "cached" option that will bring up googles cached version of that page.

The psychedelic shamanism book is good, but the one I was recommending was this one:
Ayahuasca Analogues and Plant Based Tryptamines by Jim DeKorne

It's somewhat redundant with the Entheogen Review information, but a bit moar updated and has some novel information.

Enjoy the history lesson. Cool
Row, row, row your boat, Gently down the stream. Merrily, merrily, merrily, merrily...

Visual diagram for the administration of dimethyltryptamine

Visual diagram for the administration of ayahuasca
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