i cant recall... i used to be a mod on the ayahausca forum for 8 years... maybe longer god...
over the years a lot of the info i have just seems to have lost sources... but i believe that harmaline plays a major factor in the effects of the vine when made into a tea. I think and no i cant source it but i recall that harmaline becomes dominated and potenitated when combined with the other harmalas in over all effects
may be totally wrong... but i beleive this to be the case... i cannot find my sources again saddly...
i did find this interesting in tihkal...
This leaves (3). Maybe over the years, harmaline spontaneously loses a molecule of hydrogen, and becomes harmine. Not an easy thing to reckon with, chemically, but I am running out of possibilities. I was led to a comment that had been once made by a quiet hero of mine, Bo Holmstedt in Sweden, concerning the analysis of an ancient sample of plant material from Banisteria caapi (now known as Banisteriopsis caapi). The herbarium specimens he was looking at had been collected by the 19th century plant explorer Richard Spruce in the Rio Negro area of South America and had, after a few years of storage in a moist and mildewy hut a few miles down river, been rediscovered and sent on to the Kew Botanical Museum where they had quietly rested for over a hundred years. When Holmstedt worked them up some 30 years ago, he reported that the alkaloid content was 0.4%. This was virtually identical to a newly collected, botanically verified specimen of Banisteriopsis caapi which he analyzed at the same time and found to contain 0.5% alkaloids. The latter material contained, as described by many authors, the main alkaloids harmine, harmaline and tetrahydroharmine. By contrast, the alkaloid content of the Spruce material consisted exclusively of harmine. It is open to question whether the samples collected by Spruce in 1853 originally contained only harmine or, perhaps more likely, that harmaline and tetrahydroharmine have with time been transformed into the chemically more stable aromatic b-carboline harmine.
but yeah its my understanding that the more intoxicating effects of caapi tea are due to the presence of harmaline...
on a personal note...
harmaline produces Numbness, visual disturbances, and cloudy thinking commonly and this describes nearly every cup of tea swims ever had...
and most people swim has drank with agree... swim has taken all three alkaliods separately and one can tell the difference.
though im really not found of internet debates either...
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