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Socotra Options
#1 Posted : 2/22/2014 4:49:11 PM

who can say

Posts: 173
Joined: 06-Dec-2012
Last visit: 23-Dec-2019
has anyone been? i keep dreaming about this place. some day soon hopefully.

god saved me from drowning
then kicked me to death on the beach

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#2 Posted : 3/6/2014 1:10:56 PM
DMT-Nexus member

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Joined: 17-May-2009
Last visit: 18-Jul-2023
Wow didn't know it was THAT beautyfull. I did spend many times looking at that island from Google Earth, figuring it would probably be heavenly to live there. And appearantly I was right Smile

Socrota caught my eye when I was scanning google earth for more hospitable, sunny places to live.
Exactly the kind of island I'd want to colonise with an entheogenic society.

Too bad it belongs to.... Yemen? Oman? Saudi Arabia? Somalia? Or is it autonomous?
Well anyways, given the location, I'm guessing Socrota is cursed by Sharia laws.
It'll probably be a bad idea to build an entheogenic temple there and would end at the gallows. Or am I mistaken?
#3 Posted : 3/7/2014 7:58:17 PM

DMT-Nexus member

Posts: 66
Joined: 06-May-2013
Last visit: 06-Jan-2015
That's correct it belongs to Yemen and no colonising it with an entheogenic society would not be a good idea, the punishment for drugs is death usually by shooting but if you are unlucky by stoning. After the execution your body might get crucified and publicly displayed for a couple of days. Although it would be cool to tripp under a dragons blood tree (awesome name by the way!) I don't think it would be worth the risk.

I personally would not travel to Socotra for the moment, the situation in Yemen is not very stable and apparently Somali pirates use the island as a base. But it is no doubt a very beautiful place and if you are interested in plants there are several hundred plant species found nowhere else on Earth.

If you do decide to travel there I would like to hear of your experience, I'm properbly going to go there myself someday when the political situation is more stable. Smile

#4 Posted : 10/17/2014 1:33:09 PM

who can say

Posts: 173
Joined: 06-Dec-2012
Last visit: 23-Dec-2019
bluesky wrote:
That's correct it belongs to Yemen and no colonising it with an entheogenic society would not be a good idea, the punishment for drugs is death usually by shooting but if you are unlucky by stoning. After the execution your body might get crucified and publicly displayed for a couple of days.

sorry for digging up an old thread but please educate yourself before you post such uninformed nonsense on a hub of knowledge like the Nexus.
god saved me from drowning
then kicked me to death on the beach
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