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cactus alk citrate considerations Options
#1 Posted : 9/7/2011 4:45:18 AM

DMT-Nexus member

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Location: hypospace
i've been using citric acid to salt cactus alkaloids for awhile now

i have noticed that often the material freezes too quickly for crystals to form, so i started putting the jar of the citric acid rich alkaloid solution in the freezer and then after it freezes then putting it into the fridge to warm very very slowly. It takes more than a day for the ice to melt, maybe 2-3 days this way, but it works very well to precipitate a fine sparkling powder of alkaloid salts

i then pour away much of the solution and then pour the rest through a coffee filter and gently squeeze the liquid out, then i put the filter out to dry, then i just rub it over a plate and the dry alkaloid salts fall onto the plate

I've used a few citric acid sources and sad to say not all of them work, several sources from India do not, but a few from grocery stores do and pharm grade works very well.

the basic method is to obtain an NP solvent rich in alkaloid, STB, A/B, drytek (damp actually not totally dry) any method works fine, then you use water with some citric acid, about 1/2 cup water and 1/2 teaspoon citric acid works fine

multiple freeze thaw cycles increase recovered alkaloid over time.

The resulting alkaloid salts work rather well, 50mg causes euphoria but is not that strong, 150mg makes things shimmer and sparkle and has a pronounced euphoria. 300mg results in OEV and CEVs.

The citric salts of cactus alkaloid are not very soluble in water when they do crash out, they are also rather bland tasting with a bitter aftertaste. one of the ways to take them is to put them in a shot glass and then pour in some cola and then stir and drink fast, maybe repeating if there are still some in the glass, this method works very well and quickly too.

oddly, with some cactus sources the citric step colors the NP in a way that indicates that some citric acid salts of some alkaloids found in cactus are NP soluble, maybe this indicates various tyramines, or even candicine, it is impossible to say without more work being done. this also means that to re-use the same solvent can be a problem when it becomes increasingly saturated with alkaloids and doesn't grab or transfer alkaloids very efficiently. this is notable for cacti that are very bitter but not very active, while it is not really an issue for the stronger plants, oddly enough


Good quality Syrian rue (Peganum harmala) for an incredible price!
#2 Posted : 9/14/2011 2:35:46 AM
DMT-Nexus member

Cacti expert

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AlbertKLloyd wrote:

i have noticed that often the material freezes too quickly for crystals to form, so i started putting the jar of the citric acid rich alkaloid solution in the freezer and then after it freezes then putting it into the fridge to warm very very slowly. It takes more than a day for the ice to melt, maybe 2-3 days this way, but it works very well to precipitate a fine sparkling powder of alkaloid salts

i then pour away much of the solution and then pour the rest through a coffee filter and gently squeeze the liquid out, then i put the filter out to dry, then i just rub it over a plate and the dry alkaloid salts fall onto the plate

this can happen when crashing other salts in solution as well...

a more concentrated solution should crash out faster, and w/ cleaner result
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