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The Tea Party Options
#101 Posted : 11/25/2010 7:44:45 PM
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Felnik wrote:
Tea party is corporate backed Trojan horse packaged to appeal to ignorant uninformed .
to expect anything constructive or socially progressive is a total waste of time.

That's strange enough how politic's works.
Eventually everything is for sale. But you got to wrap it up nicely, or they won't buy it.

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Ice House
#102 Posted : 11/25/2010 9:49:11 PM

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Felnik wrote:
to expect anything constructive or socially progressive is a total waste of time.

LOL ya think?

The Tea Party is the Anti Progressive Party.
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#103 Posted : 11/26/2010 7:07:58 AM

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Ice House wrote:
[quote=blue_velvet] Suppose you want a state where drugs are legal and guns controlled, you could move there. State policies would gradually change as people left one state for another. Political competition to attract inhabitants is what you would find.

Suppose you are state that DOES NOT what drugs and you have a state bordering yours that is reponsible for a flood of drugs into your state?

Like Arizona, New Mexico, Texas, and California currently have to deal with? I was inconsistent* in presenting states that would or would not prohibit drugs. It was a hypothetical system that, by some stretch of imagination, could be perceived by me to be potentially ideal. Therefore, in an ideal society I believe the rights of drug users should be protected by the constitution. Nevertheless, in this situation the federal government would be drawn in via the commerce clause and I don't know what would happen. What do you think?


Suppose you are a state where the people DO NOT want gay marriage and have voted so twice on a state wide ballot but the gay minority keeps overturning the vote of the majority in a court of law because of gay lawyers and pro gay judges?

I have never seen what involving the government has to do with pledging unfailing love and loyalty to another person. As for the legal facets, there should be equality under the law for all people. This, again, is a constitutional matter. So, the legal benefits of marriage should be available to all or to none. In my humble opinion the definition of marriage is insignificant in comparison to the emotional and spiritual bond. So, semantics aside marriage or civil union doesn't matter, it's the legal matters that are guaranteed. Besides, judges are elected. If the people can vote on a ballot measure, they can vote for an anti-gay judge.


Suppose you are a state that DOES NOT want to be a safe haven for illegal immigants and their families?

This is another example of something the federal government actually should be involved in as it is an international matter.


Suppose you are a state that DOES NOT want abortion and you want to get one?

There are so many differing opinions on this matter with excellent arguments on both sides that it should be left up to the states. The worst case scenario is that the individual in question would have to visit another state for the procedure.

Suppose you live in a state that DOES NOT want mosques and sharia law and you are a muslim?

Check the first amendment.


Supose that people have jobs, family, friends, and history in their states and dont want to leave and go to another state?

That is a good question. It is tough, but people will relocate if the situation is drastic enough to warrant it. That is why the United States is populated by immigrants and the descendants of immigrants. They made a tough decision to leave their families, friends, livelihood, history, and culture, behind in search of freedom. No one is forcing them to leave their state. If they do leave, they won't face half of what their ancestors faced coming to a completely foreign country, learning a new language, and being spat on by nationalists.

I don't believe in eliminating the federal government. It is neccessary to hold the states together and decide on matters of exclusively national interest. The Bill of Rights is ingenious. In theory, it unfailingly hold the states to a bare minimum standard. No state can outlaw religion, freedom of speech, etc. Centralization makes the system unwieldy. Something that just does not work will affect all states. With more states' rights the policies in question will succeed or fail. It localizes the damage.

All that said, what do you suppose?

*I might add that my example of gun control was inconsistent as well as per the second amendment.
#104 Posted : 12/9/2010 10:48:36 PM

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I liked the tea party back when it was a libertarian thing, the neocons have pretty much hijacked it. The one thing I can say about them though is, they seem to be the only ones not being apathetic and are at least getting out there and letting people know how mad they are. I really don't see anyone, anytime soon ending the drug war, there is just way to much money to be had with things the way they are now. I don't think cannabis will be illegal for too much longer though.

*The above text represents a fictional alter ego, none of it is based on the experiences of a real person.*

"Most people are other people. Their thoughts are someone else's opinions, their lives a mimicry, their passions a quotation." Oscar Wilde
Spock's Brain
#105 Posted : 1/20/2011 10:14:55 AM

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Touche Guevara wrote:
We need to shift more of the tax burden onto the wealthiest Americans...

But capital, the productive resource of the wealthy, is one of the most fleeting of objects that can be subjected to taxation. With a few phone calls massive amounts of capital can and will retire to offshore no tax jurasdictions. Ever heard of competition? It does in practice also apply to taxation, as in a choice of sovereign jurasdictions in which one chooses to shelter one's capital and capital earnings.
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#106 Posted : 1/20/2011 12:48:54 PM

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Spock's Brain wrote:
Touche Guevara wrote:
We need to shift more of the tax burden onto the wealthiest Americans...

But capital, the productive resource of the wealthy, is one of the most fleeting of objects that can be subjected to taxation. With a few phone calls massive amounts of capital can and will retire to offshore no tax jurasdictions. Ever heard of competition? It does in practice also apply to taxation, as in a choice of sovereign jurasdictions in which one chooses to shelter one's capital and capital earnings.

..and the way around that is devaluation. They will just print more which conversely makes everyone's money worth less which has the same basic effect as reducing the debt burden.

Money is an artificial human construct...and today all of it is fiat. All fiat currencies have failed. I see no reason to believe the dollar won't eventually fail. Could take a very very long time before it all happens though.
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