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Newspaper Article: "Tune in: psychedelic drugs are back" Options
#1 Posted : 9/20/2010 6:56:09 AM

DMT-Nexus member

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I was very pleased to read a major newspaper publication, "The Star", containing an article that reflects positively on the use of psychedelic drugs. The article focuses on the potential medical use of the drugs.... and when I use the term "medical", I refer to people who have been diagnosed by a medical professional with some kind of disease.

I thought this article was very good in its de-brainwashing, and disarming tone. The article talks about all the false and negative stigmas that have been associated with with psychedelics since the 60's. The author talks about about the "knee jerK" reaction that many people have when even hearing about psychedelics, they are instantly against the very idea. But the article helps to direct a reasonable, and factual attitude toward the subject. I am very happy with the article because I think it is exactly what is needed. Before anything really happens with the whole legality of these substances, people have at least got to get rid of their misinformation, and knee jerk reaction when hearing about psychedelic drugs. What's needed first is for the general population to not instantly shiver at the thought of psychedelic drugs. People at least first need to realize, "mabye these drugs aren't inherently evil for everyone. In fact maybe they are good for some. Maybe not for me, but if someone else wants to....".

I was also very happy to read that studies suggest that the psychedelic drugs in question actually DECREASE symptoms of schizophrenia. It seems there is a current assumption that hallucinogenic drugs cause schizophrenia, but that does not seem to be the case.

Strangely though, there is a picture of a guy in Japan holding up packages of magic mushrooms for sale. The article doesn't say anything about that guy, nor does it mention that those mushrooms are illegal in North America. I wish. Also, unfortunately, the article doens't mention dmt, which I find strange. The article talks about lsd and mdma being used as treatments for depression, PTSD, and for emergency suicide prevention (particularly mushrooms for suicide prevention). I wonder why no talk of ayahuasca, or pharmahuasca? The Amazon has a whole culture that associates Ayahuasca with healing and spirituality. I would have thought the healing potential of ayahuasca would be known by the scientists by now. Interestingly, no talk of mescaline either. I wonder why mdma, but not mescaline.

Just one thing I'd like to add because I'm sure every "spiritual" user feels the same way..... although I am pleased with the article and I think it is appropriate for this period in history, there is a tone in it which is a bit annoying.... as it suggests that the "medical" use of drugs is somehow different, and more acceptable than personal use. The suggestion is that it's ok to use those drugs if you have a "real" problem, and a doctor says you can use the drugs, but not if an individual chooses to use them for spiritual or recreational purposes, or for the purpose of adventure or exploring life, or having the right to choose what you put in your own body. I find that as ridiculous as a person having an attitude that suggests that exercise should only be done by people who have real medical problems, and only if it is prescribed by a doctor. Such an attitude would suggest that people shouldn't exercise merely for recreation, or personal exploration, or because exercise is healthy and feels good whether or not you have been diagnosed with a medical problem. I know a mainstream newspaper probably couldn't say such a thing, but eventually they should. That's a step for another day.


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#2 Posted : 9/20/2010 10:38:18 AM

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Don't worry, it will come through just fine. The "for medical experts only" badge is only the first step.

Here is a possible version of the tale, written just to make my point:

"Ladies and gentlemen, we are ready to reintroduce psychedelics to the world again. As you all know, the first wave was an enormous success: all the necessary scaffolds have been built, all the important memes have been distributed into the collective consciousness. The second wave is beginning just now, but we must be extremely cautious. As you all know, if we bring mass consciousness too early to the free zone, unprocessed instinctual tendencies can wreak havoc in the newly born God Mind. If the true significance of psychedelic drugs were immediately recognized by the masses, it would be impossible to complete our mission. Therefore an adequate control mechanism is necessary, to let the valves open as slow as possible.

Through MAPS, our cover organization, we started work in 1985 to pave the way for the renewed scientific study of psychedelic drugs. This work is now coming to fruition: psychedelic investigators worldwide are becoming aware of the true nature of our keys and opening up new channels for the influx of the eschaton on a daily basis. To counteract the pressure generated by this ever-growing fire from within, our researchers and emissaries will continue to use the most reductionist materialistic interpretations possible. We will be using the bastions of science as a safety mechanism to postpone the unification for as long as required."
#3 Posted : 9/20/2010 2:58:22 PM

John Murdoch IV

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Thanx for the link Smile

DMTripper is a fictional character therefore everything he says here must be fiction.
I mean, who really believes there is such a place as Hyperspace!!

#4 Posted : 9/20/2010 3:49:20 PM

DMT-Nexus member

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Good article, thanks! This needs to continue.
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#5 Posted : 9/21/2010 6:06:24 AM

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cellux wrote:
Don't worry, it will come through just fine. The "for medical experts only" badge is only the first step.

Here is a possible version of the tale, written just to make my point:

Hmmm, ok. I just hope for a day when people have the right to choose what to put in their own bodies. God mind or exploration or adventure or therapy, or healing or whatever.

I was also very excited about the use of mushrooms on the dying. That's incredible!! That should be one of the most important statements around. Everyone faces death, everyone is concerned about it. No one wants to face death, and now they're finally coming out and saying that there's a substance out there that is helping people cope with the one thing that everyone faces, but no one wants to. That's amazing.

"Meanwhile, in Torrance, Calif., a single “trip” on psilocybin has had transformative psychic effects on the dying. “Psilocybin is a great compound to study,” says Dr. Charles Grob of the Harbor-UCLA Medical Center, where he has worked with a dozen cancer patients. His double-blind study, just published in the online version of Archives of General Psychiatry, shows that mentally stable, end-stage cancer patients had significantly improved moods after taking psilocybin in a “pleasant environment” and in the company of researchers. The results were so encouraging it's on to more research. We're establishing that we can work with psilocybin safely,” Grob says. “No one had an adverse medical event. No one had an adverse psychiatric event — and these were people who were highly anxious to begin with.”"

IF mushrooms can have such a positive impact on people who are dying, then one might imagine the positive impact they might have on the living. As for me, I have never been happier since I started taking psychedelics last winter. I like how the writer uses the term, "transformative psychic effects". That term suggests an increase in the quality of life, and overall outlook, and suggests an appreciation of life on a deeper level. It suggests that these substances have the power to heal and uplift something that no surgery or vaccination can.... the human spirit. Is there anything more important?
State of the Mind
#6 Posted : 9/21/2010 1:54:58 PM

DMT-Nexus member

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Fascinating article. It was a shame not to see DMT having a mention. Nevertheless, that is probably good, as it reflects how DMT is still "underground".

One thing that frustrates me, is that the reputation of substances such as LSD is what holds back research from commencing. What has happened to people looking towards the "greater good"?

IMO DMT seems like one of the best candidates for research, as it has very little bad publicity or reputation. A clean slate.
People spend their lives searching for perfect moments and fail to see, that there are many unappreciated perfect moments everyday that are overlooked.
#7 Posted : 9/27/2010 3:42:02 PM

DMT-Nexus member

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Great read, thanks for the link.

@SOTM: I have noticed that DMT is relatively unknown. My dad, who was a big hippie back in the 60s/70s had no idea what it was and 95% of my friends have never heard of it. I guess it is a good thing though, until this turns into social movement I'd rather just do it in peace. In fact, anytime I share the experience with my friend I tell them to keep it on the DL Cool

DMT is a good candidate too, like you said, clean slate.
Life is a puzzle. Your parents fill in the edges and give you a starting point. The interesting thing about this puzzle is that one piece could fit in a million different spots and you will never fill it in. Try as you may, it will never be complete.

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