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VG VaporGenie: How to use, where to get, advantages, etc Options
#81 Posted : 7/15/2010 4:01:10 AM

I Eat Plant Magic

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The GVG has almost (*almost*) come to replace bong rips at my place. If you're not in the mood for lung-rape, this be the best.

Aaaand, do know that it is worth it only as a DMT vaping device. I too thought it was too pricey at first, but I was proved sooo wrong.



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#82 Posted : 7/15/2010 9:15:31 AM
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Does one cough after using the GVG ? Or its usually really smooth ?
And how do you clean it ?
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#83 Posted : 7/15/2010 9:23:38 AM

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sigmundfreuid wrote:
Does one cough after using the GVG ? Or its usually really smooth ?
And how do you clean it ?

Ive never coughed using the GVG, never. It is the smoothest smoking method ive come acrossSmile

#84 Posted : 7/15/2010 10:55:53 AM

I Eat Plant Magic

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Unwashed spice can cause some coughing in a GVG, mostly just in those sensitive to such things (such as an asthmatic friend of mine).

It's still a hundred times better than from the bong, which usually makes ME feel asthmatic the next day.


#85 Posted : 7/15/2010 10:57:13 AM

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Did I mention I was ordering a VG next week? Not sure if I'd mentioned it Laughing But yeah, it definitely seems like a worthwhile investment to me, and of course the nexus will be the first and only place I post my results.


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#86 Posted : 7/17/2010 1:10:57 PM

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I just purchased the GVG yesterday. Got billed for it and everything. I'm hoping it should come sometime next week. Unfortunately I'll have to order more mimosa and limonene before I can make spice to use it with, but I'm excited to get it nonetheless. Also payed $20 extra for one of those hard cases. Not even sure why, but I figured as long as I was getting it, I should get it "right".
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#87 Posted : 7/17/2010 1:39:42 PM

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I have a classic vapor genie which works admirably well-so much so that it should have a health warning or a disclaimer or something, like 'The manufacturer takes no responsibility for the consequences that the use of this item can have on your ego'!!Very happy Very happy Surprised
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#88 Posted : 8/22/2010 5:48:30 PM

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The vaporgenie threads have been merged here. I added a first post with an overall description of the vaporgenie, how it works, link to comparison between gvg vs vg, how to vaporize, how to clean, etc. Thanks to Mr DMT for helping writting that first post.

Any suggestions about that first post, and/or any more questions about the vaporgenie, should be posted here.
#89 Posted : 9/1/2010 8:24:05 AM
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SWIMs GVG is in transit-- stuck in customs.... am praying that the spice lords dont allow it to be hit with fees... :-/
Strange Gray Static Mayan Pattern
#90 Posted : 9/1/2010 5:26:46 PM


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How much different are GVG and an acrylic pipe like this one: http://i.imgur.com/6UV5k.jpg ?

I just stick several screens, spice, and a couple more screens. Rocks me hard, fast and leaves no residue. Also, being transparent I know when the spice is gone. $99 seems like a lot when this $10 pipe is, at least for me, doing very well. So, has any tried both pipes?
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#91 Posted : 9/1/2010 6:12:14 PM

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Strange Gray Static Mayan Pattern wrote:
How much different are GVG and an acrylic pipe like this one: http://i.imgur.com/6UV5k.jpg ?

I just stick several screens, spice, and a couple more screens. Rocks me hard, fast and leaves no residue. Also, being transparent I know when the spice is gone. $99 seems like a lot when this $10 pipe is, at least for me, doing very well. So, has any tried both pipes?

It's not even close. Your pipe is a standard pipe in which you are smoking spice. That means there is combustion of your product. The GVG is a vaporizer. You do not inhale smoke, but rather vapors that are emitted from the product at sub-combustion temperatures. The smoothness of the GVG's vapors blows the smoke created by even the finest pipes completely out of the water. You are not spending $100 for a pipe. You are spending $100 for a vaporizer of outstanding quality and when compared to price of other vaporizers (and the abilities of the GVG) that price tag is actually quite reasonable.
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Strange Gray Static Mayan Pattern
#92 Posted : 9/1/2010 6:49:13 PM


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If you inhaled smoke on a regular pipe, you did it wrong, or at least not the way I want it to compare with the GVG.

I'm vaporizing spice. It doesn't taste, instead of tasting like burned plastic when plain smoking or when heating too much on a bulb. It takes 2-3 hits to clean 40-50mg, the first is lighter since it takes some time to melt the spice. So yeah, I'm sure I'm vaporizing.

BTW, the upper screens dissipate heat and prevent the spice from being touched by the flame; that's effectively the same thing the ceramic filter does in the GVG, and people here are already telling to use the lower ones to prevent the molten DMT from falling.

I just want somebody who's tested both ways to tell me what are the objective differences, since the operation principles of both methods is almost identical and I already find my pipe quite satisfactory.
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#93 Posted : 9/1/2010 6:59:00 PM

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Ive tried both ways. Not exactly this pipe but a pipe with screens on top to dissipate the heat. The vaporgenie is WAY better. With these kind of pipes, even with the screens on top there is still the chance things start burning if you dont take care too much with the lighter. This is a problem specially in later pulls when the effects are already starting and having to pay too much attention to anything is definitely not wanted.

Also, the way the vaporgenie is built is ideal, the way the chamber heats up evenly makes for a very very effective vaporization, while such 'improvised' vaporizing pipes are significantly worse, even if they are better than some other smoking methods. For example before I used to need 50-60mg for breakthrough. Now I need around 30-40mg max...

Try it and you'll see. At least thats my opinion, but if you're perfectly happy with your vaporizing and/or dont want to spend any money, then keep it. Personally I think it will be much better and definitely worth the money.
#94 Posted : 9/1/2010 7:45:10 PM

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I've got a Vaporgenie Handcarved. Haven't used it with Spice yet, but will post it when I can. Smile
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#95 Posted : 9/7/2010 5:19:56 PM

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Received my GVG two weeks ago. Took me some time to understand how it works (experimenting with weed).

I ended up burning the weed a couple of time. I wasn't even touching the ceramic filter with the torch flame (cheap lighter). Could it be because the flame was too strong, or because I used it near the filter for too long? Seems like I'm getting closer to the sweet spot now. At least I'm not burning it anymore.

Tried it once with Spice. Took a couple of tokes, ended up with a medium adventure in geometrik-land. No breakthrough. I'm wondering how fast/strong I should inhale once the Spice is beginning to vaporize.

In any ways, I love this vaporizer. It's both very good looking and it seems like once I learn how to use it effectively it could be my favorite psychonautic tool.

I named mine "Vortex".

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#96 Posted : 9/11/2010 6:07:58 PM

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Ubu use a simple pipe with a small metal mash disc. A previous MAOI ingestion (sublingual/smoke) and 70~100mg spice are required for a breakthrough using such device.

Now this thread suggests dosage well bellow this, around 50, 30 and even 20mg of spice. Pretty good, looks like GVG pays for itself. But, there's still one more question regarding this mathematics:

Are people using only GVG + spice or some MAOI are still required?
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#97 Posted : 9/11/2010 6:31:59 PM

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When smoking or vaping, MAOIs are not needed. You can still use them, though, and have greater sensitivity, but they are not at all required.
#98 Posted : 9/11/2010 7:18:19 PM

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Alot of members use MAOI with the GVG, either in form of sublingual or in Changa.

But as Eden says, there is not need to go with MAOI, and if one is using up to 100mg of spice then either they have a very high tolerance(not unheard of) or their smoking tek is terrible.
#99 Posted : 9/11/2010 7:29:49 PM

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gammagore wrote:
Alot of members use MAOI with the GVG, either in form of sublingual or in Changa.

But as Eden says, there is not need to go with MAOI, and if one is using up to 100mg of spice then either they have a very high tolerance(not unheard of) or their smoking tek is terrible.

WOW! Really nice way to say "welcome" and start a good conversation. Thank you very much.
You have to be in Hell to see Heaven - W. Burroughs

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#100 Posted : 9/11/2010 9:29:24 PM

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ubu wrote:
gammagore wrote:
Alot of members use MAOI with the GVG, either in form of sublingual or in Changa.

But as Eden says, there is not need to go with MAOI, and if one is using up to 100mg of spice then either they have a very high tolerance(not unheard of) or their smoking tek is terrible.

WOW! Really nice way to say "welcome" and start a good conversation. Thank you very much.

I’m not sure if your comment is genuine or sarcastic, but 100mg DMT is a HUGE dose.

Dr. Rick Strassman’s DMT studies used 0.4mg/kg IV DMT fumarate, and he stated in hindsight that a dose of that size was probably too large. He said 0.3mg/kg would have been better.

For a person who weighs 70kg (154 lb), a strong DMT dose is 28mg or less. I’m close to that weight and rarely need more than 25mg. So it’s true that if someone of average weight is using a dose of 100mg, either they have very high tolerance or very bad smoking technique.

There are many members here who would be glad to help you improve your technique (if that’s the problem), so feel free to provide more details!
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