TheAwakening wrote:A few of the viable acuminata seeds have started to throw out their root. I'll give it a few more days before potting then up.
Awesome! Assuming narrow phyllode? Got some germing on my end as well.. maybe it will be a synchronized grow

Looking forward to seeing your progress the red squirrel
I would really love to see people's experiences growing Acacia simplex.. not a lot of info out there on cultivating it and a lot of misidentified seed has been getting around. I recall a few nexians dipping their toes into this one?
Here's another variety of floribunda and the enormous mother tree the seed came from.. it is the biggest floribunda I've seen. The trunk is over a meter in circumference and travels along the ground now. You could be mistaken thinking it is a patch of trees but they are actually all just huge trunk sized branches. Currently I just call it "small seed" as the seeds are much smaller than the other types I have.. the seedlings seem to start smaller and more delicate too but starting to take off and have a really nice display of juvenile leaves.
I think they are quintessential looking Acacia
acacian attached the following image(s):

image_6483441 (6).JPG
(188kb) downloaded 66 time(s).
active flori.jpg
(78kb) downloaded 65 time(s).